Processus par modèle de référence (tgbrg3560m000)

Use this session to build a business-process model by importing business processes from the repository. These business processes were initially created in the Processus (tgbrg5500m000) session.

Start the Processus par modèle de référence (tgbrg3160s000) session to display and maintain the business-process details.

Rubriques liées


Version courante de modélisation
The version you currently use to create and modify model items.
Modèle de référence
A model that represents a line of business or business typology.

A reference model is built from a library (repository) of the following model items:

  • business-control model
  • business-function model
  • business-process model
Reference Model
The description or name of the model item.
A group of model items that share some characteristics, such as the customer, owner, and effective date.
The description or name of the version.
A number that determines the sequence in which records are displayed in an overview session or list box.
A set of one or more activities and states that collectively realize a business objective.
Si cette case est cochée, the business process is a subprocess in this reference model. A subprocess is a so-called nested process, which means that the business process is incorporated into another business process.
The description or name of the business process.
Aide Référentiel
Si cette case est cochée, repository help is available, which provides you with further information about the business process.
Aide du modèle
Si cette case est cochée, model-specific Help is available, which provides you with further information about the business process.


Modeleur de processus
If you click this button (or command), the Enterprise Modeler Editor is started and you can maintain the selected business process.
Afficher aide Référentiel
If you click this button (or command), the repository Help that is linked to the business process is displayed.
Modifier aide propre au modèle
If you click this button (or command), the Text Editor is started so that you can create model-specific Help.
Afficher aide propre au modèle
If you click this button (or command), the model-specific Help is displayed.
Explorateur de modèles de processus
If you click this button (or command), the enterprise modeler browser is started, which graphically displays the selected business process. If you do not select a business process, all business processes are displayed.

By means of the Enterprise Modeler Browser you can start the Enterprise Modeler Editor and view the details of business processes.

Transform Business Functions into Business Processes
If you click this button (or command), the Transform. du modèle fonction en modèle proc. par mod. réf. (tgbrg2200m000) session is started, which you can use to automatically incorporate relevant business processes from the repository into the current reference model on the basis of transformation rules.
Importer plage de processus
If you click this button (or command), the Importation d'une plage de processus (tgbrg3260m000) session is started, which you can use to import a range of business processes from the repository into the selected business model.
Lier rôles aux processus
If you click this button (or command), the Rôles par processus et modèle métier (tgbrg3540m000) session is started, which you can use to link one or more roles to the selected business process.
Développer structure de processus
If you click this button (or command), the subprocesses that are linked to the selected business processes are displayed. If you do not select a business process, all subprocesses in the project model are displayed.
Réduire structure de processus
If you click this button (or command), the subprocesses are removed from the list. Select the Développer structure de processus command to view the subprocesses again.
Renuméroter séquence
If you click this button (or command), the parameter sequence numbers are renumbered by a multiple of 10.