Importation du modèle de projet dans un modèle de référence (tgbrg3205m000)

Cette session permet import data from a project model into the reference model that you have selected in the Modèles de référence (tgbrg3500m000) session.


Du modèle de projet
The project model from which the data is copied to the reference model.
Si cette case est cochée, you can select a range of companies.
Si cette case est cochée, you can select a range of parameters.
Conditions statiques
Si cette case est cochée, you can select a range of static conditions.
Si cette case est cochée, you can select a range of roles.
Si cette case est cochée, you can select a range of business functions.
Si cette case est cochée, you can select a range of business processes.
Diagramme de contrôle
Si cette case est cochée, you can select a range of business-control diagrams.

You can make a subselection on business-control diagrams by entering a range of business-control-diagram categories.

Si cette case est cochée, a model item that occurs in both the reference model and the project model from which it is copied, is replaced by the model item of the latter model.
Supprimer tous les rôles existants
If the roles are linked to model items that are included in the range you want to import, they are removed.


Importer dans modèle projet
If you click this button (or command), the import is started based on the given criteria.