Modif. de vers. courante de modélis. pour une gamme d'util. (tgbrg1211m000)

Cette session permet change the current modeling version for a range of users.

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Imprimer les erreurs
Si cette case est cochée, ERP prints the errors that occur when you run the current session.
Si cette case est cochée, ERP prints a report with the hypothetical outcome of the current session run. ERP does not actually change the current modeling version for the range of ERP users that you specified.
Spécifier la version courante pour les utilisateurs qui ne l'ont pas
Si cette case est cochée, the current modeling version is filled for ERP users who:
  • Fall within the range of users that you specified.
  • Do not yet have a current modeling version.
The version that is used as the current modeling version for the range of selected users, companies and versions.
The description or name of the model item.


Modifier version courante
If you click this button (or command), the current modeling version is changed for the selected range of users.