Quarantine Inventory Overview (whwmd2171m000)

Use this session to view quarantine header records. Double-click a quarantine ID to start the Quarantine Inventory (whwmd2671m000) session, in which you can maintain the disposition lines of the selected quarantine ID.


Quarantine ID
The identification code of the quarantine ID.
If this check box is selected, a text about the current quarantine ID is present in the Text field of the Attachments tab.
The item that is rejected during inspection or production and sent to quarantine.
The warehouse in which the rejected goods ar stored.
A type of warehouse location in which goods initially rejected during warehousing inspection or production are stored for further examination to determine their disposition.
The lot to which the rejected items belong. If multiple lot codes are present in the related disposition lines, this field is empty.
Inventory Date
inventory date. If multiple inventory dates are present in the related disposition lines, this field is empty.
The quantity of items to be reclassified. This quantity is aggregated from the disposition lines of the current quarantine ID and is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities to be reclassified are processed.
Location Allocated
The quantity of rejected goods that is location allocated inventory. This quantity is aggregated from the disposition lines of the current quarantine ID and is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities are processed and outbound advice is created for the rework order, return order, or transfer order.
The quantity of items that are shipped. This quantity is aggregated from the disposition lines of the current quarantine ID and is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities are processed and the shipments created for the rework orders, return orders, or transfer orders are confirmed.
The advised quantity of items for which the disposition options Use As Is or No Fault Found is specified. This quantity is aggregated from the disposition lines of the current quarantine ID and is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities are processed and inbound advice is generated.
Put Away
The put-away quantity of items for which the disposition options Use As Is or No Fault Found is specified. This quantity is aggregated from the disposition lines of the current quarantine ID and is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities are processed and inbound advice is put away.
Order Origin
The origin of the warehousing order from which the quarantined items originate.
The warehousing-order number of the warehousing order from which the quarantined items originate.
Order Set
The order set of the originating warehouse order.
Order Line
The warehousing-order line of the originating warehouse order.
Sequence Number
The sequence number of the originating warehouse order.
The warehousing inspection in which the items were rejected and sent to quarantine.
Inspection Sequence Number
The sequence number of the inspection in which the items were rejected and sent to quarantine.
Handling Unit
The handling unit of the current quarantine ID. If more than one handling unit is present for the quarantine ID, this field is empty.
Ship-from Type
The ship-from type of the originating warehouse order.
Ship-from Code
The ship-from code of the originating warehouse order.
The operation step of the production order for which the items were rejected and sent to quarantine.
The receipt with which the rejected items were received from production, or with which items of other origins were received before being rejected during inspection and sent to quarantine. This field is empty if more than one receipts are present in the related disposition lines.
Receipt Line
The number of the receipt line attached to the order line from which the rejected goods result. This field is empty if more than one receipt lines are present in the related disposition lines.
Quarantine Inventory Available for Planning
Displays the value selected for the Available for Planning field in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session.
Creation Date
The date on which the quarantine ID is created.
Awaiting Disposition
The quantity aggregated from the disposition lines still awaiting disposition.
To be Processed
The quantity aggregated from the disposition lines still to be processed.
Disposition Due Date
The date on which the disposition of the items of the current quarantine ID is due. The default date is calculated by adding the creation date of the quarantine ID to the disposition due lead time specified in the Disposition Due Lead Time field of the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session. If the due dates of all related disposition lines are equal, the due date is displayed in this field. Otherwise this field is empty.
If this check box is selected, specifications are present for the items included in the current quarantine ID.
Allocated to Sold-to Business Partner
The sold-to business partner to which the inventory is allocated.

LN can use the inventory specified by this record for the business partner specified by this field; LN does not use this inventory for any other business partner.

Allocated to Ship-to Business Partner
The ship-to business partner to which the inventory is allocated.
Serial Number
The unique identification of a single physical item. LN uses a mask to generate the serial number. The serial number can consist of multiple data segments that represent, for example, a date, model and color information, sequence number, and so on.

Serial numbers can be generated for items and for tools.

A serial number can be displayed in this field if the item is specified as serialized in Items (tcibd0501m000) session. This field is empty if more than one serial number is present in the related disposition lines.

Allocated toBusiness Object Type
The type of order to which the quarantine inventory is allocated, such as Sales Order, or Sales Schedule.

The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Business Object Type
  • Business Object
  • Business Object Reference
Allocated to Business Object
The order, or order line, to which the inventory was allocated.

The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Business Object
  • Business Object
  • Business Object Reference
Allocated to Reference
A reference code to which the inventory was allocated.

LN can use the inventory specified by this record to fulfill a demand specified by this reference and for no other purpose.

LN can use this field in two ways:

  • If the Sold-to Business Partner field is filled, LN uses the Reference field to record a reference code defined by a customer.
  • If the Sold-to Business Partner field is empty, LN uses the Reference field to record an internal reference.

You can use a reference code to keep a collection of parts linked together, even if they follow different routings, for example, if some of the parts are transported to a subcontractor to be returned later.

Option List ID
The identification of the options and features for a configured item. The ID is used in the item specification to match supply and demand.

The ASN specifications include the option list ID. The ASN specifications are taken from the Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000) session. In turn, the specifications on the inbound order line are taken from the purchase schedule line.

For configurable purchased items in Warehousing, only the option list ID is part of the specifications. This means that inventory is maintained per option list ID and is the total of inventory of all product variants with the same option list ID.

  • The field is displayed only if the Assembly (APL/ASC/ASL) check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

  • The field is populated only for configurable purchased items and manufactured assembly (FAS) items.

Non-Conforming Material Report
If this check box is selected, a non-conforming material report is present for the quarantine ID.
Text field for additional information.
Handling Unit(s) Present
If this check box is selected, one or more handling units are present for the quarantine ID.
Quarantine Quantity
The total quantity of quarantined items for the quarantine record. This quantity is aggregated from the attached disposition lines.
The unit in which the quarantine quantity is expressed.
Use As Is
The total quantity of items for which the disposition option Use As Is is specified. This quantity is aggregated from the disposition lines of the current quarantine ID and is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities to be used as is are processed.
No Fault Found
The total quantity of items for which the disposition option No Fault Found is specified. This quantity is aggregated from the disposition lines of the current quarantine ID and is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities for which no faults are found are processed.
The total quantity of items to be scrapped. This quantity is aggregated from the disposition lines of the current quarantine ID and is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities to be scrapped are processed.
Return to Vendor
The total quantity of items to be returned to the vendor. This quantity is aggregated from the disposition lines of the current quarantine record and is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities to be returned are processed.
Rework (to Existing Specification)
The total quantity of items to be reworked to existing specification. This quantity is aggregated from the disposition lines of the current quarantine ID and is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities to be reworked to existing specification are processed.
Rework (to New Specification)
The total quantity of items to be reworked to new specification. This quantity is aggregated from the disposition lines of the current quarantine record and is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities to be reworked to new specification are processed.
Quarantine Inventory Payable to Supplier
If this check box is selected, the payable to supplier method is activated.


Starts the Quarantine Inventory Overview (whwmd2171m000) details session for the selected record.

This option is unavailable if:

  • No quarantine ID is selected.
  • More than one quarantine ID is selected.
Originating Order
Starts the session that displays the originating order of the selected record.

This option is unavailable if:

  • No quarantine ID is selected.
  • More than one quarantine ID is selected.
Starts the Warehouse Receipt Lines (whinh3512m600) session showing the receipt lines of the selected record.

This option is unavailable if:

  • No quarantine ID is selected.
  • More than one quarantine ID is selected.
Warehouse Inspections
Starts the Warehouse Inspections Overview (whinh3122m000) session showing the inspections of the selected record.

This option is unavailable if:

  • No quarantine ID is selected.
  • More than one quarantine ID is selected.
  • The selected quarantine ID is not related to a warehousing inspection.
Inbound Advice
Displays the inbound advice options.
Generate Advice
Generates inbound advice for the selected quarantine ID. Unavailable if the selected quarantine ID is unprocessed and has a disposition other than Use As Is or No Fault Found.
Generate Advice and Put Away
Generates and puts away inbound advice for the selected quarantine record. Unavailable if the selected quarantine ID is unprocessed and does not have disposition Use As Is or No Fault Found.
Inbound Advice
Starts the Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000) session.
Generate Inbound Advice
Starts the Inbound Advice (whinh3525m000) session.
Advice Log
Starts the Inbound Advice Log (whinh3529m000) session.
Non-Conforming Material Report
Starts the Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session.

If the quarantine inventory results from a warehouse inspection, the Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session is started for the combination of order origin, inspection and inspection sequence. If the quarantine inventory results from an JSC Production quarantine order, the Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session is started for the combination of order origin, order and operation.

This option is unavailable if:

  • No quarantine ID is selected.
  • More than one quarantine ID is selected.
  • In Quality, NCMR is not allowed for the order origin.
  • The disposition lines of the selected quarantine ID are processed and no NCMR exists.
Starts the Disposition (whwmd2272m200) session.

This option is unavailable if:

  • No quarantine ID is selected.
  • More than one quarantine ID is selected.
Resets the unprocessed disposition lines of the selected quarantine ID to Awaiting Disposition and clears the Reason and Responsibility fields.

This option is unavailable if:

  • All related disposition lines are processed.
  • All related disposition lines have the initial status of Awaiting Disposition.
  • No quarantine ID is selected.
  • More than one quarantine ID is selected.
Processes the unprocessed disposition lines of the selected quarantine ID with a disposition other than Awaiting Disposition.

This option is unavailable if:

  • No quarantine ID is selected.
  • More than one quarantine ID is selected.
Move Quarantine Inventory
Starts the Move Quarantine Inventory (whwmd2271m100) session to move the unprocessed dispositions of the selected quarantine ID to another quarantine location in the same warehouse. This will not change the ID of the quarantine ID. In the Move Quarantine Inventory (whwmd2271m100) session, select the location to which the dispositions of the selected quarantine ID must be moved.
Delete Quarantine Inventory
Starts the Delete Quarantine Inventory (whwmd2271m000) session.
Handling Units
Opens the handling unit options.
Handling Units
Starts the Handling Units (whwmd5130m000) session.
Handling Unit Tree
Starts the Handling Unit Tree.
Remove Handling Unit
Removes the handling unit and, if present, the underlying handling unit structure of the selected quarantine ID. The handling unit is not removed if it is processed.

If a child handling unit is processed, it is unlinked from the parent handling unit. These processed unlinked child handling units are not removed when the parent handling unit is removed.

Filter by Status
Opens the status filter options.
All Quarantine Inventory
Shows all quarantine inventory.
To be Handled
Shows quarantine IDs whose disposition lines all have the disposition Awaiting Disposition.
Shows quarantine IDs whose disposition lines are all processed.
To be Advised
Shows quarantine IDs whose disposition lines have the dispositions Use As Is or No Fault Found, and for which inbound advice is to be generated.
To be Put Away
Shows quarantine IDs whose disposition lines have the dispositions Use As Is or No Fault Found, and for which inbound advice is to be put away.
To be Shipped
Shows quarantine IDs whose disposition lines are all processed, have the dispositions Return to Vendor, Rework (to Existing Specification), Rework (to New Specification), or Reclassify, and for which the shipments are to be confirmed.
Starts the Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session in which you can create an NCMR report.
Option List
Displays the options and features that are linked to the option list ID. For more information, refer to Configurable purchased items in Warehousing and CINDI process
Print Quarantine Inventory
Starts the Print Quarantine Inventory (whwmd2471m000) session.