Cross-docking handling units and location control

In warehouses without locations, inbound advice is not mandatory. In location-controlled warehouses, inbound order lines that must be cross-docked are advised to a staging location. When the receipt is confirmed, the cross-dock order lines are created. If inbound advice is defined as an automatic activity in the warehousing procedure, the inbound advice lines are also created. Otherwise, the user must manually create the inbound advice lines.

A handling unit is present on multiple inbound advices or multiple advice lines of an inbound advice when part of a handling unit is advised to a staging location to be cross-docked and the remainder is advised to a storage location.


Receipt line 00010 contains handling unit HU00001, which contains 50 items A. Outbound order line 00101 lists 20 items A.

To fulfill outbound order line 00101, 20 items A must be cross-docked because item A is not present in inventory. This is accomplished by removing 20 items A from HU00001 and cross-docking these items without handling units to outbound order line 00101, and advising HU00001 with the remaining items A to the storage location:

Inbound adviceFrom Handling UnitTo Handling UnitItem quantityFrom LocationTo Location
INB00001/1HU0000120 item AReceive AStaging B
INB00001/2HU00001HU0000130 item AReceive AStorage A


If the Generate Handling Unit Automatically during Picking check box is selected for the relevant warehouses in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session, handling units are generated for the shipment line.