Shipment validation

Shipment validation is an optional step that you can add to the outbound flow. It is a process that verifies if specific trading partner requirements are met. For this purpose, this process performs various checks on shipments and loads, such as:

  • Are the required handling units present?
  • Are the tracking numbers present?
  • Are the supplier numbers present?

Shipment validation is performed outside LN by Automotive Exchange Export Manager (EXM), where the validation checks have been defined. BODs are used to send the required shipment, load, and other master data information from LN to EXM, and to return the validation results from EXM to LN.

The shipment validation process
Step 1. Frozen: shipment validation starts

The shipment validation process is launched when a shipment or a load is Frozen. This means that the validation checks are started up in EXM. While the validation is in progress, the validation status is set to Validating.

The shipment validation status is displayed in the Publishing Status field in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) or Loads (whinh4140m000) session.

Step 2. Frozen: checks completed and shipping documents printed

When the validation checks are completed in EXM, the shipment validation status can be either of the following:

  • Validated
    The validation in EXM is successful, the shipping documents are printed. See next step.
  • Validation Error
    The loads or shipments must be corrected in LN and the corrections must be sent to EXM. This will reset the validation status to Validating.
Step 3. Confirmed: confirm when validated

For successful validations, the validation status is set to Validated. The user can confirm the shipments and loads, after which EXM delivers the advance shipping notice (ASN). The resulting improved accuracy of the shipping documents and ASNs ensures a more cost-effective and efficient shipping process.


To use shipment validation:


If the validation status is Validating or Validation Error, shipments or loads cannot be confirmed. Only loads or shipments with the Validated status can be confirmed.