Blocking or unblocking handling units

Use the Handling Unit Blocking (whwmd6140m000) session to partially block, block, or unblock handling units for all transactions.

To view the blocked stock points of a parent handling unit, in the Handling Unit Blocking (whwmd6140m000) session, select the line containing the blocked parent handling unit and from the appropriate menu, select Blocked Stock Points to start the Blocked Stock Points (whwmd6550m000) session.

The Blocked Stock Points (whwmd6550m000) session displays the stock points contained in the blocked handling unit. If the blocked handling unit is linked to child handling units, the child handling units are displayed together with the blocked stock points contained in them.

If project peg or ownership details exist for the blocked inventory contained in the handling units, you can view and maintain the project peg or ownership details in the Blocked Stock Point Details (whwmd6152m000) session. You can start this session from the Blocked Stock Points (whwmd6550m000) session.