Shipment acceptance - to accept or reject quantities

The toolbar on the Shipment Lines tab of the Shipment Acceptance (whinh4630m100) session shows whether the shipment lines have stock point details or handling units. If you select a shipment line and the Stock Point Details or the Handling Unit Tree options are available, the shipment line contains stock point details or handling units. The Shipment Line Packing Structure option is always available, even if no packing structures are used.

To specify accepted or rejected quantities for shipment lines that contain:

Items without packing materials, stock point details, or handling units

  1. On the toolbar of the Shipment Lines tab, click Shipment Line Packing Structure. The Shipment Line Packing Structure (whinh4136m000) session opens.
  2. Specify the shipped quantity in the Shipped Quantity in Storage Unit field.
  3. Click Save and close the Shipment Line Packing Structure (whinh4136m000) session.

Packing structure with stock point details

  1. Accepted and not shipped quantities specified for the stock point details are propagated to the packing structure.

    • On the toolbar of the Shipment Lines tab, click Stock Point Details. The Shipment Line Stock Point Details (whinh4133m000) session opens.
    • If the items are serialized, select the Not Shipped check box for each item that you want to reject.
    • Otherwise, specify the accepted quantity in the Shipped Quantity field. LN marks the remaining items as rejected.
  2. Save and close the Shipment Line Stock Point Details (whinh4133m000) session.

Handling units

  1. On the toolbar of the Shipment Lines tab, click Handling Unit Tree.
  2. Select the handling unit and on the toolbar, click Stock Point Details to reject one or more items of the handling unit.
  3. In the Handling Unit Stock Point Details (whwmd5136m000) session that opens, select the Not Shipped check box for each item that you want to reject.
  4. Save and close the Handling Unit Stock Point Details (whwmd5136m000) session.
  5. Save and close the Handling Unit Tree.

After specifying the accepted or not shipped quantities in the relevant sessions, you return to the Shipment Acceptance (whinh4630m100) session. Complete steps 6 - 9 in For the official acting on the customer's or supplier's behalf to finish the source acceptance procedure.