Print receipt and shipment labels without handling units

You can print the labels for the following when handling units are not in use:

  • Received Items
  • Items to be shipped
  • You can print the labels for items received and for items to be shipped even when the handling units are used for some items only.

  • Labels are not printed for additional cost lines on a shipment.

You can print the labels based on the following options:

  • By Line: Labels are printed by line.
  • By Unit: Labels are printed for each unit on the line.

The labels are printed based on the same layout definitions that are currently defined on the warehouse (default label layout receipts, inspections and outbound), the Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000) session, the Activities by Inbound Order Line (whinh2114m000) session, the Activities by Outbound Order Line (whinh2124m000) session and in Label Layout by Activities (whwmd5121m000) session.

The same layout is used to print the label for an activity that uses the handling units and for lines that do not use handling units. The labels are printed automatically on executing the activity. The following tables provide an overview of the activities for which labels can be printed and the information that can be printed on the label layout.

Inbound ActivitiesInformation Printed
Warehouse ReceiptsReceipt and order information
Generate Inbound AdviceInbound advice and order information
Put Away Inbound AdviceInbound advice and order information
Generate Storage ListInbound advice and order information
Storage ListInbound advice and order information
Warehouse InspectionsInspection and order information


Outbound ActivitiesInformation Printed
Generate Outbound AdviceOutbound advice and order information
Release Outbound AdviceOutbound advice and order information
Generate Picking ListOutbound advice and order information
Picking ListShipment and order information
Warehouse InspectionsInspection and order information
Freeze/Confirm Shipments/LoadsShipment and order information