Ownership registration setup in Warehousing

To enable ownership registration for an individual item, the item must be contained in a handling unit. You can view individual handling units in a warehouse, and handling unit data includes a reference to the owner of the item.

Ownership data for items are listed on handling units. Handling units obtain the ownership data from the Receipt Line Ownership (whinh3521m000) session. Therefore, to trace the owner of an item through warehousing processes and in inventory, automatic generation of handling units is required.

Note that for this setting to work, you must select the Physical Item or the Physical Item and Location value in the Registration Level field of the following sessions:

  • Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000)
  • Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000)
  • Item - Warehousing Defaults (whwmd4101s000)

In addition, handling units must be in use for receipts, inbound and outbound inspections, and shipping for warehouse - item combinations.


If the ownership registration level is not Location or Physical Item and Location, and locations or stock points are blocked, LN cannot determine whether the inventory of a specific owner is blocked. If the ownership registration level is not Location, Physical Item or Physical Item and Location, and handling units are blocked, LN cannot determine whether inventory of a specific owner is blocked. In general, if the ownership registration level is Warehouse, manual blockings do not block inventory of specific owners.