Load (whinh4640m000)

Use this session to maintain details of loads.


Use the Maps section to view the location of the Ship-from Address and the Ship-to Address. You must select only one record at a time.

When a Carrier/LSP or Route is specified in the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session or a planned load/shipment is available for a shipment in the Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000) session, a generated shipment has a corresponding load in the current session. This load contains the freight forwarding data as defined in the warehousing order. Use this session to add or change necessary forwarding data.

  • To generate loading lists, from the Print menu, select Loading List.
  • If the warehousing order for which the load is created has one of the following warehousing order type settings, information about the warehousing order is displayed in the Order tab:

    • Single Order Set per Shipment
    • Single Order per Shipment
    • Single Order per Load

An overview of loads, shipping containers, and shipments by warehousing orders is available in the Warehousing Order Loads and Shipments (whinh4545m000) session.


The load.
The load's status.
Still Allow New Shipments
If this check box is selected, you can add shipments to the load until the load obtains status Confirmed.
The route used to ship the goods. If you generate an outbound advice, you can select all warehousing orders for a specific route to create a run.
Planned Delivery Date

If manually defining order lines, this is the default date for the order lines.

If this check box is selected, additional text about the load is available.
Pick-up Information
Pick-up Carrier/LSP
The carrier that will pick up the goods at the warehouse.
Pick-up Transport Category
The transport category of the carrier that will transport the goods.

You cannot change the value in this field if the load is Frozen or Confirmed.

Default value

The transport category of the carrier defined in the Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0580m000) session.

Tracking Number 1
Additional number assigned to the load or shipment by the transportation providers. For example, Master Airway Bill Number. This number is generated by the scanning devices or can be specified manually.
  • You cannot modify this value if the ship-from warehouse is WMS Controlled.
  • You cannot change the value in this field if the load includes a Freight shipment line linked to a Freight load that is Closed, Ignored, or matched to an invoice.
Tracking Number Type 1
The type of tracking number for Tracking Number 1.
  • You cannot modify this value if the ship-from warehouse is WMS Controlled.
  • You cannot change the value in this field if the load includes a Freight shipment line linked to a Freight load that is Closed, Ignored, or matched to an invoice.
Tracking Number 2
Additional number assigned to the load or shipment by the transportation providers. For example, General Cargo Number. This number is generated by the scanning devices or can be specified manually.
  • You cannot modify this value if the ship-from warehouse is WMS Controlled.
  • You cannot change the value in this field if the load includes a Freight shipment line linked to a Freight load that is Closed, Ignored, or matched to an invoice.
Tracking Number Type 2
The type of tracking number for Tracking Number 2.
  • You cannot modify this value if the ship-from warehouse is WMS Controlled.
  • You cannot change the value in this field if the load includes a Freight shipment line linked to a Freight load that is Closed, Ignored, or matched to an invoice.
Authorize Excess Transportation Costs
If this check box is selected, specifying a customer authorization number is allowed if the transportation costs exceed the agreed terms.

After adding the customer authorization number, the Reason and Responsibility fields become available.

The reason why the transportation costs exceed the agreed terms.

This field is made blank if the tracking number type is changed from Customer Authorization Number into another tracking number type.

The party responsible for the excess transportation costs.

This field is set to Not Applicable if the tracking number type is changed from Customer Authorization Number into another tracking number type.

Transport Means Group
A classification used to group means of transport, such as:
  • Vans
  • Trucks
  • Container ships
  • Cargo aircraft

For each group, properties are defined, such as:

  • The average speed
  • The loading capacity

Each means of transport defined in Freight belongs to a transport means group. For example, transport means group: Vans, means of transport: van with licence number XX333444 .

You can only use a transport means group if Freight is used.

Transport Means Combination

You can only use a transport means combination if Freight is used.

Pick-up Means of Transport
The means of transport for the pick-up.
Carrier Tracking Number
Carrier Tracking Number Type
The type of the tracking number specific to the carrier used to identify the load or shipment.

Allowed values

Tracking Number Type


This field is enabled only if the Carrier Tracking Number is specified.

Default value is Undefined if the Carrier Tracking Number is specified, otherwise Not Applicable.

You cannot modify this value if the Ship-from Type field for the load is set to Warehouse and the Ship-from Warehouse is WMS Controlled.

Tracking Number
The number assigned to the load or shipment by the transportation providers. For example, an Air Waybill Number. This number is generated by the scanning devices or can be specified manually.

You cannot modify this value if the Ship-from Type field for the load is set to Warehouse and the Ship-from Warehouse is WMS Controlled.

Tracking Number Type
The type of the tracking number assigned to the load or shipment by the transportation providers. For example, an Air Waybill Number. This number is used for tracking purpose.

Allowed values

Tracking Number Type


This field is enabled only if the Tracking Number is specified.

Default value is Undefined if the Tracking Number is specified, otherwise Not Applicable.

You cannot modify this value if the Ship-from Type field for the load is set to Warehouse and the Ship-from Warehouse is WMS Controlled.

Delivery Information
Delivery Carrier/LSP
The carrier that will deliver the load to the customer.
Transport Means Group

You can only use a transport means group if Freight is used.

Transport Means Combination

You can only use a transport means combination if Freight is used.

Delivery Means of Transport
A description of the delivery means of transport.
Fixed Weight
If this check box is selected, weight changes of shipments and shipment lines do not result in a weight change of the load. Therefore, the weight of the load is fixed.

If this check box is cleared, you can recalculate the load's weight based on all shipments that belong to the load. To recalculate the load's weight, click the Calculate button. You can only recalculate the load's weight if the load is not yet confirmed.

Maximum Weight
The maximum weight allowed for the load. The value in this field is taken from Freight, if this package is implemented.

The total weight of a load increases if new shipments or shipment lines are added to the load. If the total weight exceeds the maximum weight specified in this field while you are composing loads in the Compose Load (whinh4134m000) session, or creating manual shipments and shipment lines to the load, you are prompted to approve exceeding the maximum weight.

Total Weight
The unit in which weight is expressed.
Total Weight
The load's total weight.
The origin of the warehousing order of the current load.
The warehousing order of the current load.
Ship-from Code
The company from where the goods are shipped.

The ship-from company is the logistic company to which the warehouse in the Ship-from Code field belongs.


Only take into account this field if the warehousing order concerns a multicompany warehouse transfer.

Ship-from Code
The ship-from type of the warehousing order for which the current shipment is created.
Ship-from Code
The ship-from code of the warehousing order for which the current shipment is created.
Ship-from Code
Ship-from Address
The ship-from address of the warehousing order of the current shipment. This is the address of the entity indicated in the Ship-from Code field.
Ship-from Address
The city of the ship-from address.
Ship-to Code
The company to which the goods are shipped.

The ship-to company is the logistic company to which the warehouse in the Ship-to Code field belongs.


Only take into account this field if the warehousing order concerns a mutlicompany warehouse transfer. A warehousing order is a multicompany warehouse transfer if:

  • The inventory-transaction type is Transfer.
  • The ship-from type and the ship-to type is Warehouse.
  • The warehouses specified in the Ship-from Code and Ship-to Code fields belong to different logistic companies.
Ship-to Code
Ship-to Code
Ship-to Address
The address to which the goods must be shipped.
Ship-to Address
The city of the ship-to address.
Estimated Freight Costs
The estimated cost of transportation for a shipment or load, The estimated freight cost is calculated with the rate retrieved from Procurement.
Cost Inquiry
The currency of the estimated freight cost.
Publishing Status
The publishing status of the load.

This status is applicable if BOD publishing is implemented.

Allowed values

Publishing Status

Single Order per Load
If this check box is selected, a load can only contain shipment with shipment lines created for order lines of all order sets of the same warehousing order. If kit handling is used, the load thus contains subkits belonging to the same topkit.
Single Ship-to Code per Load
If this check box is selected, LN creates loads that have shipments for only one ship-to code. For more information, refer to Load building based on the Single Ship-to Code per Load check box.
Single Shipment per Load
If this check box is selected, LN creates loads that have only one shipment. This is to accomplish that one advance shipment notice can be created for each bill of lading.

The value of this check box is taken from the Single Shipment per Load check box of the warehousing order type of the first warehousing order for which the current load is built.

Related topics

A distribution center where goods sent from the supplier are consolidated and often repacked before being shipped to the final destination at the customer's. An intermediate consignee is owned by the customer or a carrier acting on behalf of the customer.

The intermediate consignee is defaulted from the first outbound order line from which the load is created. For manually created loads, you must select an intermediate consignee that is linked to the sold-to business partner and ship-to business partner of the load.

Intermediate consignees are not used for loads generated in Freight.

The address of the intermediate consignee.


Calculate Weight
Recalculates the load's weight based on the shipments that belong to the load.

You can only recalculate the load's weight if the Fixed Weight check box is cleared and the load's status is Open.

Confirms the load.

This option is enabled only if the Source Acceptance Required check box is cleared in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session for one of the shipments and the Source Accepted check box is selected.

Publish Load
Publishes load BODs for projected loads or loads for which shipment validation is applicable.
Message Log
Displays the validation error messages. For more information, refer to Shipment validation.
Release Load
Sets loads with publishing status Validating or Validation Error to Validated. For more information, refer to Shipment validation.
Freezes the load, shipment, or shipment line. For more information, refer to The shipment procedure and Shipment and load status.
Add Shipment
Starts the Find Shipments (whinh4830m000) session that you can use to find a shipment to add to the load.

You can only add shipments to the load if the load's status is Open.

Print Loads
Starts the Print Loads (whinh4440m000) session. By default, LN starts this session to print the report.
Select Carrier/LSP
Log Select Carrier/LSP