Shipment (whinh4630m000)

Use this session to view and maintain shipments.

To view the loading sequence of a shipment contained in a load, select the shipment, and from the Search by menu, select Loading List. The load that contains the shipment and the loading sequence of the shipments of the load are displayed. To generate loading lists, from the Print menu, select Loading List.

To manually create a shipment, click Add a New Shipment on the toolbar.

  • Use the Maps section to view the location of the Address and the Address. You must select only one record at a time.
  • The Shipping Sequence is enabled only if shipping sequence exists for the selected shipment. Use the Shipping Sequence option from the References menu to start the Shipping Sequence (whinh4520m000) session. The session displays the shipments sorted by Shipment, Job Sequence, Shipment Line, and Sales Schedule Line.
  • If the warehousing order for which the shipment is created has one of the following warehousing order type settings, information about the warehousing order is displayed in the Order tab of the details session:

    • Single Order Set per Shipment
    • Single Order per Shipment
    • Single Order per Load
  • An overview of loads, shipping containers, and shipments by warehousing orders is available in the Warehousing Order Loads and Shipments (whinh4545m000) session.


The load.
The shipment's status.

Allowed values

Shipment Status


The shipment status Projected is not applicable if the check box Projected Shipments in use is not selected in Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session.

The shipment status Projected is not applicable for manual shipments.

The shipment status is always derived.

Trade Compliance Status
The shipment's global trade compliance status.

The trade compliance status is updated from the shipment lines. If the shipment lines have different statuses, the earliest trade-compliance shipment line status is displayed for the shipment.


If the global trade compliance functionality is activated, the shipment can only be confirmed if the trade compliance status is Validated. If you try to confirm a shipment that has shipment lines that are not successfully validated, only the successfully validated shipment lines are confirmed and the shipment remains unconfirmed.

Publishing Status
The publishing status of the shipment.

This field is applicable if BOD publishing is implemented.

Allowed values

Publishing Status

Shipment Validation
If this check box is selected, shipment validation is applicable to the load. This setting is taken from the Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000) session.

Related topics

Shipments Validated
If this check box is selected, all of the shipments of the load are validated.

Related topics

Date Confirmed
The date the shipment was confirmed.
Shipping Container
If this check box is selected, the shipment is manually created. If this check box is cleared, the shipment is generated from an outbound order line. This field is read-only.
If this check box is selected, text related to the shipment is present.
Warehousing Procedure
The shipment procedure that determines how the shipment is processed.

Related topics

Submitted for Acceptance
If this check box is selected, you can fill the source acceptance fields. For more information, refer to Source acceptance - procedure.

This check box remains selected after source acceptance is completed.

Allow Changes to Shipment
If this check box is selected, adding or removing shipment lines is allowed until the shipment obtains status Confirmed. For shipments with status Projected, updates from the linked outbound-order lines are allowed.
Multiple Warehouse Shipment
If this check box is selected, the current shipment contains shipment lines from different warehouses.
Freeze Mandatory
If this check box is selected, freezing shipments and loads is mandatory. This check box is selected if the Freeze Mandatory check box is selected in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session for one or more of the linked shipment lines.
Handling Unit Based Confirmation
If this check box is selected, the handling units of the shipment must be confirmed before the shipment can be confirmed. This check box is selected if the Handling Unit Based Confirmation check box is selected in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session for one or more of the linked shipment lines.
Handling Unit Confirmation Complete
If this check box is selected, the handling units of the linked shipment lines are confirmed. You can confirm the shipment.
The company in which the ship-from data is defined.
The address from which the goods are shipped.
Planned Delivery Date
The planned delivery date of the item.
The company in which the ship-to data is defined.
The address code to which the goods are to be delivered.
Planned Receipt Date
The planned receipt date of the item.
Tracking Number
The parcel tracking number typically provided by express transportation providers. For example, an Airway Bill Number. The tracking number is received from WMS systems through scanning devices or manually inserted.
Carrier Tracking Number
Shipment Reference
Customer Order
The number of the sold-to business partner's purchase order.
Gross Weight
The total weight of the goods of the shipment.
Total Weight
The unit of measure in which weight is expressed.
Net Weight
The aggregated total weights of the shipment lines of the shipment.

This is a display field if the shipment has the Status set to Confirmed or Frozen. If a handling unit is linked to the shipment, the total weight is taken from the handling unit.

LN modifies the value in this field, if:

  • Weights are defined for the shipment lines.
  • One or more shipment lines are added to or removed from the shipment.
  • The weight of one or more shipment lines is changed.

These changes overwrite any manually inserted values.

Packaging Item
The code of the packaging item for the shipment.
Quantity of Packaging Items
The number of packaging items for the selected shipment.
Handling Unit
The handling unit to be shipped.
Shipping Documents
Carrier/ LSP
The carrier that is used to transport the goods.
The route that is used to ship the goods. If you generate an outbound advice, you can select all warehousing orders for a specific route to create a run.
Delivery Terms
Point of Title Passage
Estimated Freight Costs
Estimated Freight Costs Currency
Shipment Planned for Load Plan
If this check box is selected, the current shipment is part of a load plan created in Freight
Documents Printed
Bill of Lading
If this check box is selected, LN has printed the bill of lading.
Packing Slip
If this check box is selected, LN has printed the packing slip.
Packing Slip Date
The packing slip date.

The date is printed on the packing slip, when the packing slip is printed for a frozen shipment and also when the shipment is reopened. The current date is printed on the packing slip when the packing slip is printed again after freezng or confirming the shipment.

Packing List
If this check box is selected, LN has printed the packing list.
Delivery Note
If this check box is selected, LN has printed the delivery note.
Delivery Note Print Date
The date when the delivery note is printed.
Shipping Manifest
If this check box is selected, the shipping manifest is printed for the current shipment.
The origin of the warehousing order of the current shipment.
The warehousing order of the current shipment.
The subkit item of the warehousing order set for which the current shipment is created.
Ship-from Code
The company from where the goods are shipped.

The ship-from company is the logistic company to which the warehouse in the Ship-from Code field belongs.


Only take into account this field if the warehousing order concerns a multicompany warehouse transfer.

Ship-from Code
The ship-from type of the warehousing order for which the current shipment is created.
Ship-from Code
The ship-from code of the warehousing order for which the current shipment is created.
Planned Delivery Date
The date for which delivery of a shipment is planned.
Ship-from Address
The ship-from address of the warehousing order of the current shipment. This is the address of the entity indicated in the Ship-from Code field.
Ship-from Address
The ship-from address of the warehousing order of the current shipment. This is the address of the entity indicated in the Ship-from Code field.
Ship-to Code
The company to which the goods are shipped.

The ship-to company is the logistic company to which the warehouse in the Ship-to Code field belongs.


Only take into account this field if the warehousing order concerns a mutlicompany warehouse transfer. A warehousing order is a multicompany warehouse transfer if:

  • The inventory-transaction type is Transfer.
  • The ship-from type and the ship-to type is Warehouse.
  • The warehouses specified in the Ship-from Code and Ship-to Code fields belong to different logistic companies.
Ship-to Code
Ship-to Code
Planned Receipt Date
The date on which the goods are expected to arrive in the destination warehouse.
Ship-to Address
The address to which the goods must be shipped.

When you generate outbound advice, you can select all the warehousing orders for the same ship-to address to create a run.

Single Picking Mission per Shipment
The description or name of the code.
Picking Mission
Source Acceptance
Source Acceptance
If this check box is selected, the goods must be accepted by a customer representative at the contractor/ supplier site. This activity is part of the shipping process.

This check box is selected when the Source Acceptance check box in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session is selected for one of the shipment lines.

Accepted by
The code of the customer representative who accepts the goods at the supplier/ contractor site.

This field is enabled only if the Source Acceptance Required check box is selected.

The description or name of the code.
Inventory Accepted
If this check box is selected, the user has accepted the goods. For more information, refer to Shipment acceptance DD 250.
The date on which the goods are accepted by the customer representative at the supplier/ contractor site.

This field is enabled only if the Source Accepted check box is selected.

The value in this field is defaulted when the shipment Status is not set to Frozen.

This field is populated with the current date, when the Source Accepted check box is selected.

Destination Acceptance
Destination Acceptance
If this check box is selected, the goods must be accepted at the customer site as part of the receiving process.

This check box is selected when the Destination Acceptance Required check box in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session is selected for one of the shipment lines.

Accepted by
The code of the representative who accepts the goods at the customer site.

This field is enabled only if the Destination Acceptance Required check box is selected.

The description or name of the code.
If this check box is selected, the goods are accepted at the customer site as part of the receiving process.

The value in this field can always be modified if the Destination Acceptance Required is selected and the shipment has the Status set to Confirmed.

The date on which the goods are accepted at the customer site.

This field is enabled only if the Destination Accepted check box is selected.

This field is populated with the current date, when the Destination Accepted check box is selected.

Single Delivery Point per Shipment
If this check box is selected, LN groups the outbound advices that have the same delivery point, as shipment lines, in one shipment. A shipment might not contain deliveries to multiple Delivery Point, unless other shipment building criteria require this. For more information, refer to Shipment building based on delivery points.

If this check box is selected, the Unique Shipment Reference per Shipment check box is disabled.


This field is disabled when the Single Line per Shipment check box is selected.

Delivery Point
The detail location within a delivery Ship-to Address where the shipments must be delivered by the carrier. This can, for example, represent a specific production line or warehouse dock on a customer’s premises. The use of delivery points in the supplier’s system influences the shipment building process. Shipments are generated by delivery point. For more information, refer to Shipment building based on delivery points.
  • You cannot change the delivery point if an advice is already created,

  • For warehousing orders that are not created manually, LN retrieves the delivery point from the originating order.

EDI Status

If no advance shipment notice must be created, the status is Scheduled.

You can specify if an EDI message (nr. 856) must be prepared for the ship-to business partner in the EDI Messages Supported by Business Partner (ecedi0111s000) session.


Shipment Acceptance
Submit for Acceptance
Sets the shipment in the source acceptance mode. After you have finished building the shipment, you must select this option to fill the source acceptance fields. When this option is selected, you cannot change the shipment, the shipment structure, or consolidate the shipment into a load. To undo this setting, select the Undo Submit for Acceptance option.

If the linked shipment lines contain lot or serialized items for which the lot or serial registration is not completed, or mismatches occur between the lot or serial numbers of the shipment lines and the handling units, you must correct the lot or serial numbers before using this option.

Undo Submit for Acceptance
Inactivates the source acceptance mode. You can no longer fill the source acceptance fields, but you can change the shipment or the shipment structure. This option is used if it appears that the shipment or shipment structure needs to be corrected after the customer's representative has started the source acceptance procedure. To resume the source acceptance procedure, select Submit for Acceptance For more information, refer to Source acceptance - procedure.
Confirms the shipment and the linked shipment lines.

Shipment lines for which the Handling Unit Confirmation Complete check box is cleared are skipped.

If the Freeze Mandatory check box is selected and the status of the shipment is Open, this option is unavailable.

If global trade compliance is set up, the trade compliance check is performed when you confirm the shipment. If shipment lines with global trade compliance statuses other than Validated are present, the shipment and these shipment lines are not confirmed. For more information, refer to Global trade compliance in Warehousing.

Check Trade Compliance
Trade Compliance Check Results
Select Carrier/LSP
Log Select Carrier/LSP
Generate Handling Unit
Generate a handling unit for the shipment.
Print Shipments
Starts the Print Shipments (whinh4430m000) session. By default, LN starts this session to print the report.
Freezes the load, shipment, or shipment line. For more information, refer to The shipment procedure and Shipment and load status.
Handling Unit Tree
Displays the handling unit structure for the handling unit of the shipment.
All Shipments
View all shipments present for the current company.
Frozen Shipments
Displays the shipments with status Frozen. For more information, refer to The shipment procedure and Shipment and load status.
Open Shipments
Displays the shipments with status Open. For more information, refer to The shipment procedure and Shipment and load status.
Publish Shipment
Publishes shipment BODs for projected shipments or shipments for which shipment validation is applicable.
Release Shipment
Sets shipments with publishing status Validating or Validation Error to Validated. For more information, refer to Shipment validation.
Message Log
Displays the validation error messages. For more information, refer to Shipment validation.
ASNs to be Confirmed
Displays the shipments with status Prepare. For more information, refer to Advanced Shipping Note status.
Remove Handling Units
Remove the handling unit of the shipment.