Split Shipment Line Stock Point Details (whinh4133m100)

Use this session to split the stock point details for the selected shipment line.

You can split the stock point details if:


Shipment Line
The shipment code.
Shipment Line
The shipment line number.
BOM Line
The line number within the bill of material.
Distribution Sequence
The distribution sequence of the shipment line.
The item code.
The staged quantity of the shipment line that is not yet shipped.
The unit of the staged quantity.
In Inventory Unit
The staged quantity of the item expressed in the inventory unit.
The inventory unit in which the quantity of the item is expressed.
The actual quantity of items on the shipment line that is shipped.
In Inventory Unit
The shipped quantity of the item expressed in the inventory unit.
The item quantity that you want to split.
In Inventory Unit
The inventory unit used to express the split quantity.


Use this command to split the stock point details of the shipment line. The option is disabled when the quantity to be split is 1 or 0 (zero).