Expected Shipments (whinh3821m000)

Use this session to add expected shipments, also called ASNs (advance shipment notices), to receipts.

To select the expected shipments that you want to display and add to the receipt, fill the fields in the Selection group box and click Apply. To remove the entries in the fields of the Selection group box in order to change the selection criteria for the expected shipments to be retrieved, click Clear Fields.

In this session, you can also zoom to the Expected Orders (whinh3822m000) session.


The number of the receipt to which you can link expected shipments.
Ship-from Business Partner
The code of a ship-from business partner. The default value in this field is taken from the receipt header. You can select another business partner if required.
The code of the shipment. The default value in this field is taken from the receipt header.
The number of an order with which the expected shipment is associated. The default value in this field is taken from the receipt header.
The code of the expected item. The default value in this field is taken from the receipt header.
Ship-from Business Partner
The shipment's code.
The sequence number of the warehousing order line.
Order Line
The code of the warehousing order. LN uses the series specified in the Series field of the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session to generate the order number. If the warehousing order is generated for an order from a package other than Warehousing, this number corresponds to the original order number and is not based on the series specified in the Series field.
Order Line
The warehousing order line number. If the order is generated by a package other than Warehousing, this number is the same as the original order line number.
The item's code.
Shipped Quantityin Inventory Unit
The shipped quantity of the item.
Quantity Shipped
The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.


Any informative description field used to refer to, for example:

  • The person or department with authorization to perform a specific task.
  • The business partner's contact.
  • The original invoice number.


Use this option to retrieve the ASNs that match the criteria entered in the fields of the Selection group box
Add to Receipt
Use this option to add a selected line to the receipt.
Expected Orders
Use this option to zoom to the Expected Orders (whinh3822m000) session.
Clear Fields
Use this option to remove the entries in the fields of the Selection group box.