Generate Plan (tsspc3200m000)

Use this session to generate a new group planning and add new groups to an existing group planning.

Planned by origin

On the Activity Origin tab, you can select the origin for which a plan must be generated. For each origin, the related Planned by Origin check box is displayed and the value defaulted from the Resource Planning Parameters (tsspc0101m000) session. For a selected origin, if the Planned by Origin check box is selected, on the Planning tab:

  • All the fields are disabled except the Read Original Activity Times and the Update Planning Fields of Group Planning Activities fields.
  • The related Status fields are not displayed. For example, if the Planned by Origin check box is selected for the Service Order origin, the From Service Order Activity Status field is not displayed.

This session is displayed only if the Group Planning for Projects Implemented check box is selected in the Resource Planning Parameters (tsspc0101m000) session.


Activity Origin
Activity Origin
The origin of the activity.

Allowed values

Activity Origin


Based on the value the Activity Origin field is set to, the fields are enabled on the related tab.

The From and To fields define a range of: orders.
The From and To fields define a range of: orders.
Activity/Activity Line
The From and To fields define a range of: order activities for which group planning is generated.
Activity/Activity Line
The From and To fields define a range of: order activities for which group planning is generated.
Service Order Activity Status
The From and To fields define a range of: service order activities status.

Allowed values

Service Order Status

Work Order Activity Status
The From and To fields define a range of: work order activities status.

Allowed values

Work Order Status

Planned Activity Status
The From and To fields define a range of: planned activities status.
Job Shop Order
Job Order Operation Status
The From and To fields define a range of: the Job Shop Order operation status.

Allowed values

Possible values

Project (PCS)
Project Activity Status
The From and To fields define a range of: the Project (PCS) activity status.
Planned Start Time
The From and To fields define a range of: planned start time of the activities for which group planning is generated.
Planned Finish Time
The From and To fields define a range of: planned finish time of the activities for which group planning is generated.
Earliest Start Time
The From and To fields define a range of: earliest start time of the activities for which group planning is generated.
Latest Finish Time
The From and To fields define a range of: latest finish time of the activities for which group planning is generated.
Emergency Orders Only
If this check box is selected, LN considers only emergency orders to generate group planning.
The From and To fields define a range of: projects for which group planning is generated.
The From and To fields define a range of: project activities for which group planning is generated.
The From and To fields define a range of: project activity lines for which group planning is generated.
Budget Status
The From and To fields define a range of: status of the project assignments.
Non-Conformance Report
The From and To fields define a range of: Non-Conformance report activities status.

Allowed values


Corrective Action Plan
The From and To fields define a range of: Corrective Action Plan tasks.
The From and To fields define a range of: Corrective Action Plan activities status.

Allowed values

CAP Status

If this check box is selected, LN runs the group planning process in simulation mode. The results are not saved in the database. This process enables you to review the results before generating the group planning.
Read Original Activity Times
The start and finish time options that can be considered for group planning.

Allowed values

Read Activity Times

  • This field is set to Planned Times and disabled when a QM-related origin is chosen.
  • This field is set to Planned Times or Actual Times when a Manufacturing related origin is chosen.
Update Planning Fields of Group Planning Activities
If this check box is selected, LN updates the existing group planning data.

LN generates an error report if an existing activity is identified. The firm planned activities are not updated.

Plan Forward
The options to determine how the specified activities can be planned.

Allowed values

Plan Forward

Plan Forward From
The start time of the first activity in a group to be planned.

This field is enabled only if you set the Plan Forward field to From Time.

Delete Plan
If this check box is selected, LN deletes the existing group planning data.
Delete Plan From
The planned start time of groups to be frozen. All the groups that are generated after this specified time are deleted.

This field is enabled only if Delete Plan check box is selected.

Delete Transferred Planned Activities from Group Planning
If this check box is selected, Infor LN deletes the existing planned activities that are linked to the service orders or work orders, from the group planning.

This field is disabled when a QM-related activity origin or Manufacturing-related origin is chosen.

Process Report
If this check box is selected, LN generates process report. This report contains an overview of the activities that are added during the load run.
Error Report
If this check box is selected, LN generates error report. This report contains details of the warnings and errors that occur during the load run.
Automatically Freeze Activity Set
If this check box is selected, LN freezes the activity sets after planning.
Freeze Activity Set When Start Before
The latest start time of the groups that must be frozen. The activity sets that have a start time before this specified time, are frozen.

This field is enabled only if Automatically Freeze Activity Set check box is selected.

Automatically Firm Plan Activities
If this check box is selected, LN sets the status of the activity of the group planning, to Firm Planned.

This field is enabled only when the Activity Origin field is set to Service Order or Work Order and the status of the activities added to group planning is set to Planned.

If the status of the original service order activity or work order activity is equal to or higher than the status specified in the From Service Order Activity Status field, LN sets the status of the activity of the group planning, to Firm Planned.

An activity is set to firm planned only when the planning process is executed successfully.

From Service Order Activity Status
The status of the original activities used to determine whether the group planning activity status must be set to Firm Planned. The group planning activity status is set to Firm Planned only if the status of the original activity is equal to or higher than the specified status. If the status of the original activity is less than the specified status, the group planning activity is not set to firm planned.

Allowed values

Service Order Status


This field is enabled only when the status of the activities added to group planning is set to Planned.

When an activity in group planning is set to Firm Planned, the status of all the existing activities in the same activity set is also set to Firm Planned.

The group planning activities generated from service order activities or work order activities can be set to Firm Planned. Group planning activities generated from planned activities cannot be set to Firm Planned.

LN does not allow you to set the activity status to Firm Planned if the status of the activity added to group planning is not set to Planned.

From Non-Conformance Report Status
The status of the original activities used to determine whether the group planning activity status must be set to Firm Planned. The group planning activity status is set to Firm Planned only if the status of the original activity is equal to or higher than the specified status. If the status of the original activity is less than the specified status, the group planning activity is not set to Firm Planned.

Allowed values



This field is enabled only when the Activity Origin field is set to Non-Conformance Report and the status of the activities added to group planning is set to Planned.

If the activity in group planning is set to Firm Planned, then the status of all the existing activities in the same activity set is also set to Firm Planned.

Infor LN does not allow you to set the activity status to Firm Planned if the status of the activity added to group planning is not set to Planned.

From Corrective Action Plan Task Status
The status of the original activities used to determine whether the group planning activity status must be set to Firm Planned. The group planning activity status is set to Firm Planned only if the status of the original activity is equal to or higher than the specified status. If the status of the original activity is less than the specified status, the group planning activity is not set to Firm Planned.

Allowed values

Task Status


This field is enabled only when the Activity Origin field is set to Corrective Action Plan and the status of the activities added to group planning is set to Planned.

If the activity in group planning is set to Firm Planned, then the status of all the existing activities in the same activity set is also set to Firm Planned.

Infor LN does not allow you to set the activity status to Firm Planned if the status of the activity added to group planning is not set to Planned.

From Job Order Operation Status
The status of the original activities used to determine whether the group planning activity status must be set to Firm Planned. The group planning activity status is set to Firm Planned only if the status of the original activity is equal to or higher than the specified status. If the status of the original activity is less than the specified status, the group planning activity is not set to Firm Planned.

Allowed values

Possible values


This field is enabled only when the Activity Origin field is set to Job Shop Order and the status of the activities added to group planning is set to Planned.

If the activity in group planning is set to Firm Planned, then the status of all the existing activities in the same activity set is also set to Firm Planned.

Infor LN does not allow you to set the activity status to Firm Planned if the status of the activity added to group planning is not set to Planned.

From Project (PCS) Activity Status
The status of the original activities used to determine whether the group planning activity status must be set to Firm Planned. The group planning activity status is set to Firm Planned only if the status of the original activity is equal to or higher than the specified status. If the status of the original activity is less than the specified status, the group planning activity is not set to Firm Planned.

This field is enabled only when the Activity Origin field is set to Project (PCS) and the status of the activities added to group planning is set to Planned.

If the activity in group planning is set to Firm Planned, then the status of all the existing activities in the same activity set is also set to Firm Planned.

Infor LN does not allow you to set the activity status to Firm Planned if the status of the activity added to group planning is not set to Planned.