Service Order Material Costs (tssoc2122m000)

Use this session to create, view, and maintain the material costs of a service order.

  • This session can also be viewed as a satellite session in the Service Order (tssoc2100m100) session. To view this session, the Materials check box must be selected in the Service Order group box, in the Service User Profiles (tsmdm1150m000) session.
  • This session can also be viewed as a satellite session in the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session. To view this session, the Materials check box must be selected in the Service Order Activity group box in the Service User Profiles (tsmdm1150m000) session.
  • The Estimated Amounts tab is displayed only if the Use Coverage Calculation for Estimates check box is selected in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) and the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) sessions.
  • You cannot delete a material cost line that is created in the estimated phase if:
    • The Allow to Delete Estimates field is set to No in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session.
    • The related service order or the activity Status is set to Released or Completed.
Integration with Infor LN Quality

Infor LN allows you to create non-conformance reports for service objects, using the Create Non-Conformance Report option on the Action menu. The Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session is invoked, wherein you can create the report for the service object.

Infor LN allows you to link non-conformance reports for service objects, using the Link Non-Conformance Report option on the Action menu. The Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session is invoked, wherein you can select the report to be linked to the service object.

You can use the Unlink Non-Conformance Report option on the Action menu to unlink the Non-Conformance report. The Related Orders - Non-Conformance Reports (tsmdm4500m100) session is invoked, wherein you can select the report to be unlinked.

  • These non-conformance report options are visible only if the Non-Conformance Reports check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
  • The Create Non-Conformance Report option is enabled only if the Item is specified for the service object.


Service Order
The code of the service order for which the material costs are listed.
The description or name of the code.
The status of the service order.

Allowed values

Service Order Status

The line number of the service order.
Activity Line
If the cost line is specified for one of the service order's activities, in this field, you can specify the activity's line number.
The status of the service order activity.

Allowed values

Service Order Status

The status of the cost line.

Allowed values

Possible values

Subsequent Delivery Quantity
The quantity of the item delivered as backorder.
Issued Quantity
The quantity of the material issued.
Actual Quantity In Inventory Unit
The actual quantity expressed in the item's invoice unit.
Handled by
The employee defined is for Mobile Service. While you download the cost lines to the client, only the cost lines that belong to the particular engineer are downloaded. You can also use this field to update the cost lines. No functionality is available for this field in Infor LN. This functionality is added exclusively for Infor Mobile Service.
The description or name of the code.
Point of Title Passage
The description or name of the code.
Extra Intrastat Info
Statistical import/export data that is not available as standard information in LN, but which is required on the sales listing or the Intrastat declaration by some of the EU member states.

You can add up to 15 data fields to the Intrastat statistical data by defining them as extra Intrastat information set. You can assign the extra Intrastat information sets to warehouse order lines.

The description or name of the code.
Delivery Terms
The delivery terms as retrieved from the Delivery Terms (tcmcs0141m000) session.
The description or name of the code.
The item code of the parent service item required for the service order.
Serial Number
The serial number of the parent serialized item.

Infor LN allows the warehouse issue of the serialized item if:

  • the Ownership External check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • the Sold-to Business Partner for the service order and the Owner for the serialized item are the same.
The position number of the child item in the service order.
Motive of Transport
The reason code indicating the reason for transportation.
Delivery Code
The code of the entity paying for the transportation.
Use Residual Value
If this check box is selected, Infor LN considers the residual value.
Residual Value
The value at which the service company prices the item in the inventory.
The unit in which the quantity is expressed.
Customs Value
The value used to determine VAT amount during import/export of goods.
Generate Freight Order
If this check box is selected, Infor LN sends information to Purchase so that Purchase generates a freight order. This option is available only for delivery types Supplier Direct Delivery and Supplier Direct Return.
Freight Order Present
If this check box is selected, Infor LN indicates that the freight order has been generated for the service order material line. This is a display field.
Route defined for the ship-to business partner.
The description or name of the code.
The carrier defined for the ship-to business partner that is the organization that provides transport service.
The description or name of the code.
Carrier Binding
If this check box is selected, Infor LN prevents the load building engine from overwriting the carrier you selected for a given freight order line.
Freight Service Level
The freight service level enables you to indicate the preferred transportation time for the item listed on the order line. The value is defaulted from the originating order, if defined there. For direct deliveries, the value is taken from the sales order.
The description or name of the code.
Invoice for Freight
Select one of the options to invoice freight cost to the customer.

The following options are available:

  • By Service: Service invoices freight costs to the customer.
  • By Freight Management: Freight Management invoices freight costs to the customer.
  • Not Applicable: Service ignores the actual freight costs.
Freight Costs Based On
Select the option to indicate how the freight costs are invoiced to the business partner.

The possible values are the following:

  • By Service: The actual freight costs are on a separate freight cost line. The amounts to be invoiced are updated from freight management. The costs are released to invoicing by Service.
  • By Freight Management: Freight costs are invoiced by Freight Management.
  • Not Applicable: The actual freight costs are ignored by Service.
Freight Amount
The calculated freight amount retrieved from a carrier rate book or client rate book in Pricing Control module.
Freight Amount Binding
If this check box is selected, Infor LN Freight Management cannot modify the freight amount.
Generate Freight Order for Returns
You can generate a supplier direct return line automatically for a supplier direct delivery, when you complete the order or activity.
Copy Freight Invoicing Information to Direct Return Line
If this check box is selected, Infor LN copies the freight invoicing details from the Supplier Direct Delivery line to supplier direct return line.
Price Origin
The origin of the sales price.

Allowed values

Price Origin

Contract Ignored
If this check box is selected,, Infor LN indicates that a valid fixed price contract exists for estimated material cost line and the contract is unlinked or the price is manually overwritten.
  • This is a display field.
  • This field is visible only if the Use Prices in Service Contracts check box is selected in the Contract Management Parameters (tsctm0100m000) session.
Sales Amounts
Repair Warranty Coverage Yes/No
Indicates if a repair warranty is applied to the record.
Repair Warranty
The sales amount covered by the repair warranty.
Warranty Coverages Yes/No
Indicates if a warranty is applied to the record.
The sales amount covered by the warranty.
Contract Coverages Yes/No
Indicates if a contract is applied to the record.
The sales amount covered by the service contract.
Quotation Coverages Yes/No
Indicates if a quotation is applied to the record.
The quotation number if the cost line is generated from a service order quotation.
Field Change Order
The sales amount covered by the field change order (FCO).
Field Change Order
The sales amount covered by the field change order (FCO).
Goodwill Sales Amount
The sales amount that is specified as coverage under goodwill. This amount is on and above other coverages.
Invoice Sales Amount
The invoiceable sales amount of the cost line. This amount is calculated based on the Total SalesAmount, the covered amount and the Goodwill Sales Amount.
Cost Amounts
Repair Warranty Cost Amount
The cost amount covered by the repair warranty.
Warranty Cost Amount
The cost amount covered by the warranty.
Contract Cost Amount
The cost amount covered by the service contract.
Quotation Cost Amount
The cost amount covered by the service-order quotation.
Goodwill Cost Amount
The cost amount that is specified as coverage under goodwill. This amount is on and above other coverages.
Invoice Cost Amount
The invoiceable cost amount of the cost line. This amount is calculated based on the Total CostAmount, the covered amount and the Goodwill Cost Amount.
Total Sales Amount
The total sales amount.
Total Cost Amount
The total cost amount based on the unit cost and quantity.
Multilevel Discounts
If this check box is selected,, multiple discount levels can be used to retrieve discounts. If this check box is cleared,, only one discount level is used to retrieve discounts.
Discount Percentage
The discount percentage.
Total Discount Amount
The total amount that is discounted based on the Discount Percentage and the Discount Policy.
Invoice Amount
The net sales amount payable. This amount is calculated based on the Total Discount Amount and the Discount Policy.
Discount Amount
  • This field is displayed only if the Use Coverage Calculation for Estimates check box is selected in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session.
  • This field is enabled if the Service Order Status field is set to Free or Planned in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session.
Discount Origin
The origin for the discount amount.

Allowed values

Discount Origin

  • This field is displayed if :
    • The Use Coverage Calculation for Estimates check box is selected in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session.
    • The Service Order Status field is set to Free or Planned in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session.
Coverage Time
In case of contract, quotation, or warranty coverages, the date and time from which these coverages apply to the service order.
Total Discount Amount
The total amount discounted from the invoice.
Estimated Unit Cost
The estimated unit cost of the item.
Actual Unit Cost
The actual unit cost of the item.

Infor LN sets this amount to zero if the Ownership field is set to Customer Owned.

Actual Purchase Amount
The actual purchase invoice amount in Finance is posted as Actual Purchase Amount on the material cost line.
Contract Ignored
If this check box is selected, LN indicates that a valid fixed price contract exists for actual material cost line and the contract is unlinked or the price is manually overwritten.

This is a display field.

This field is visible only if the Use Prices in Service Contracts check box is selected in the Contract Management Parameters (tsctm0100m000) session.

Sales Amounts
Repair Warranty Coverage Yes/No
If this check box is selected, the cost line is covered by a repair warranty.
Repair Warranty
If the service order activity is covered by a repair warranty and the Repair Warranty check box is selected, the sales amount covered by the repair warranty appears in this field.
Warranty Coverage Yes/No
If this check box is selected, the cost line is covered by an active warranty.
If the service order activity's item is covered by an active warranty and the Warranty check box is selected, the sales amount covered by the warranty appears here.
Contract Coverage Yes/No
If this check box is selected, the cost line is covered by an active contract.
If the Installation group on the service order is covered by a service contract and the Contract Coverage check box is selected, this field displays the sales amount that is covered by the service contract.
Quotation Coverage Yes/No
If this check box is selected, the cost line is covered by a quotation.
If the service order is generated from a service-order quotation to which terms are linked, and the Quotation check box is selected, this field displays the sales amount that is covered by the service-order's quotation.
Sales Amount Field Change Orders
If the service order is generated from a field change order (FCO), this field displays the sales amount that is covered by the FCO.
Sales AmountGoodwill
The amount that the exempted for the customer. This amount cannot be classified by the coverage amounts such as repair warranty, warranty, contract, FCO, or quotation. If negative, Infor LN adds the amount to the Net SalesAmount of the cost line.
Invoice SalesAmount
The cost line's sales amount that can be invoiced, as determined by the following equation:

Total SalesAmount- Warranty - Contract - Quotation - FCO - Other Costs

Cost Amounts
Repair Warranty
The cost amount covered by the repair warranty.
If the activity's item on the service order is covered by an active warranty and the Warranty check box is selected, this field displays the cost amount that is covered by the warranty.
  • If the coverage procedure is carried out, this field is automatically filled.
  • If you clear the Warranty check box and save the cost line, this field is set to 0, which skips the warranty coverage.

Related topics

Related Subcontracting Line
The subcontracting other cost line to which the material cost line is linked.
  • This field is visible only if the Subcontracting with Material Flow check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • This field is enabled if for the related Activity Line Number in the Service Order Activities (tssoc2110m000) session:
    • The Subcontracted check box is selected.
    • The Supply Material to Subcontractor check box is selected.
  • You must specify this value if there are more than one subcontracting other cost lines for the related service order activity.
If the Installation group on the service order is covered by a service contract and the Contract check box is selected, this field displays the cost amount that is covered by the service contract.

If you clear the Contract check box and save the cost line, this field is set to 0, which skips the service contract's coverage of the cost line.

Related topics

If the service order is generated from a service-order quotation to which terms are linked, and the Quotation check box is selected, this field displays the cost amount that is covered by the service-order quotation.

If you clear the Quotation check box and save the cost line, this field is set to 0 which skips the service order quotation coverage for the cost line.

Related topics

Cost Amount Field Change Orders
If the service order is generated from a field change order (FCO), this field displays the cost amount that is covered by the FCO.
Cost AmountGoodwill
The cost amount that is exempted from invoicing. This amount cannot be covered by the coverage amounts such as warranty, contract, quotation, or FCO.

Infor LN calculates this amount using the following equation:

Sales Amount Goodwill / Total Sales Amount = Cost Amount Goodwill / Total Cost Amount 
  • This amount is posted to Financials as other costs.
  • Infor LN populates this field if the coverage procedure is executed.
The cost line's invoiceable cost amount, as determined by the following equation:

Total CostAmount- Warranty - Contract - Quotation - FCO - Other Costs

  • If you carry out the coverage procedure, this field is filled automatically.
  • If you change the value in this field, LN changes the value in the Sales AmountGoodwill field to satisfy the above equation.
The code of the item required for the service order.
Discount Policy
The policy applicable for discounts.

Allowed values

Discount Policy

Multilevel Discounts
If this check box is selected, Infor LN indicates that more than one discount is defined using the Line Discounts... option.
Total Discount Amount
Total discount amount provided for the material cost line.
Last Transaction Date Actual Cost Line
The date and time when the cost line data is last modified.
VAT Based On
If this check box is selected, VAT calculation is based on goods or services.

Allowed values

VAT Based on

Tax Classification
An attribute of order header and order lines that you can use to define tax exceptions for the transactions. Infor LN retrieves the default tax classification from the invoice-from and invoice-to business partners.
The description or name of the code.
The cost line exempted from tax classification.
BP Tax Number
The tax number of the business partner.
Tax Exemption Certificate
The tax exemption certificate number.
Tax Exemption Reason
The reason why the sold-to business partner or your company is exempt from sales tax.
Invoice Number
The sales invoice.
Transaction Type
Type of invoice sent to customer related to field purchase.
Invoice Date
The date and time of the sales invoice.
Financial Company
The code of the financial company.
Posting Date
The date on which the cost line’s invoice is posted from the Invoicing module in Invoicing to the General Ledger module in Financials.
Document related to field purchase.
Transaction Type
Type of invoice sent to customer related to field purchase.
Line related to field purchase.
Financial Company
Financial company of invoice sent to customer related to field purchase.
The value in this field is defaulted when the cost line is booked from the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session in Financials.
Business Partner
The name of the business partner. The inventory supply for the service order line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the sold-to BP.
The description or name of the code.
Business Object Type
The type of business object. Example service order.
Business Object
The identifier of the business object. Example service order number.
Business Object Reference
The reference to the business object. Example the line number of the service order.
Actual Warehouse
The warehouse from which the item is delivered.
Allocated to Quantity
The inventory that is allocated in the warehouse as specified in the service order.
Demand Pegged to Quantity
The total quantity of supply orders that is hard pegged and will be received in the Warehouse, expressed in the sales unit. This quantity is hard pegged to the service order cost line.
Unallocated Quantity
The inventory of the item available in the warehouse that can be allocated to service order.
Unallocated Quantity
The inventory of the item available in the warehouse that can be allocated to service order, measured in inventory unit. Infor LN calculates the quantity based on the unit specified in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.
Inventory Units
The inventory unit in which the item is measured. Example are piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.
Hard Pegged to Quantity
The total quantity of supply orders that is hard pegged and received in the warehouse, measured in the inventory unit. Infor LN calculates the quantity based on the unit specified in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.
Unallocated Quantity
The inventory of the item available in the warehouse that can be allocated to service order, measured in inventory unit. Infor LN calculates the quantity based on the unit specified in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.
The serial number of the item required for the service order.
The description or name of the code.
Reference Item
The PCS project item or a standard item. The reference item is referred to generate a customized item by creating a new PCS project for the sold-to business partner specified on the service order header. You can also link the reference item, as a project part, to an existing PCS project for the Sold-to BP specified on the service order header. The reference item can belong to the PCS project of any business partner.
If the cost line was first entered in the Service Order Estimated Material Costs (tssoc2120m000) session, and copied to this session, the estimated quantity is the quantity of the item estimated to be required for the service order.
Estimated Sales Quantity Unit
The unit in which the Estimated Quantity is expressed.
  • You can select this value (in the estimated phase) from the Units by Unit Set (tcmcs0112m000) session, based on the unit set linked to the item.
  • For the non-serialized items, this value is defaulted from the Quantity Unit field in the Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session.
  • For the serialized items, this value is defaulted from the Inventory Unit field in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session and you cannot modify this value.
  • If a planned activity is transferred to a service order, this value is defaulted from the Quantity Unit field in the Planned Activity - Material Requirements (tsspc2110m000) session.
  • In the estimated phase, this value is defaulted to the Sales Quantity Unit field.
Sales Quantity Unit
The unit in which the Actual Quantity is expressed.
  • This unit is also used to express the following quantities:
    • Required Quantity
    • Subsequent Delivery Quantity
  • In the estimated phase, this value is defaulted from the Estimated Sales Quantity Unit field.
  • To avoid the rounding issues, Infor LN converts this value to the inventory unit if:
    • This value is different from the item inventory unit.
    • The issued or the received quantity is less than the required quantity.
Estimated Warehouse
The warehouse from which the item must be delivered.
Cost Component
The cost line's cost component.
The description or name of the code.
Required Quantity
The quantity of the item that must be delivered.

If you specify a value in this field, and the Delivery Type is set to From Warehouse or From Warehouse in Car or From Warehouse by Transport or To Warehouse or To Warehouse by Transport, the issue procedure is initiated in Infor LN Warehousing, after the cost line is saved .

Actual Quantity
The actual quantity of the material that is issued or received for a service order.

When the material is issued or received in Warehousing or Purchase Control, Infor LN defaults that quantity in this field.

The unit in which the quantity is expressed.

This value is defaulted from the Inventory Unit field in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session and is used to express the Issued Quantity and the Actual Quantity In Inventory Unit.

Engineering Item Revision
The engineering item code of the item required for the service order.
Delivery Type
The method by which the required materials are delivered.

Allowed values

Delivery Type

Return Reason
The code of the return reason.
The description or name of the code.
Service Kit
The code of the service kit.
The ownership of the service item.

Allowed values

  • Company Owned
  • Customer Owned
  • This field is applicable only if the Ownership External check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • Infor LN defaults this value from:
    • the Resource Requirements (tsacm2120m000) session, if the material cost line is created based on the reference activity linked to the service order activity.
    • the Planned Activity - Material Requirements (tsspc2110m000) session, if the material cost line is created based on the planned activity.
    • the Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session, if the material cost line is manually created.
  • You can set this field to Company Owned if:
    • the delivery type is not a warehouse issue.
  • You can set this field to Customer Owned only if:
    • the order is not an internal service order
    • the Delivery Type field is not set to the following values:
      • From Service Kit
      • From Service Inventory
      • By Purchase Order
      • By Field Purchase
      • Supplier Direct Delivery
      • Supplier Direct Return
      • From Dealer's Inventory
  • This field is defaulted to Company Owned if the Return unconsumed Items to Warehouse check box is selected. You cannot modify this value.
Return unconsumed Items Direct to Supplier
If this check box is selected, the quantity returned on the Supplier Direct Delivery material line must reach the supplier or reach the service company warehouse.
Return unconsumed Items to Warehouse
If this check box is selected, a material line is created for material that must be returned to the warehouse.
Mandatory Return
The dealer must return the spare parts to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). You cannot cost the claim line that is linked to this cost line till the spare parts are not returned by the dealer.
Actual Warehouse
The warehouse from which the item is delivered.
The description or name of the code.
Lot Selection
The item's delivery conditions in case the cost line item is a lot item.

You can only maintain this field if all the following conditions are met:

  • The Lot Tracking check box in the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session is selected for the cost line's item.
  • The delivery type is From Warehouse, From Warehouse in Car, From Warehouse by Transport, or From Service Kit.
  • The actual quantity is 0.
The lot code that is used for material deliveries of the cost line's item (when subject to lot control).

You can only maintain this field if the Lot Selection field is set to Specific.

On Hand
The inventory on hand of the item listed in the Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000) session.
On Order
The inventory on order listed for the item in the Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2115s000) session.
The allocated inventory of the item listed in the Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000) session.
The inventory that is committed for the item.
Shipping Address
The ship-to business partner's address code.
The description or name of the code.
Related Line
The cost line number (of the service order) for which the excess material (items) is returned. The non-consumed quantity for a material cost line is the Issued Quantity minus the Actual Quantity In Inventory Unit.
  • This field is enabled only if:
    • The cost line's delivery type is To Warehouse or To Warehouse by Transport.
    • The order status or activity status is Released.
    • The return material is not yet received.
  • The application generates the return deliveries for the non-consumed items when the order Status is set to Completed for the material lines with the Delivery Type selected in the Generate Return Deliveries for unconsumed Items group box in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session.
  • You can only select the cost line for which the material has been shipped.
  • Return deliveries for the non-consumed items can be added manually when the order Status is set to Released. On the return delivery line the To Be Delivered Quantity is defaulted with the non-consumed quantity of the delivery line.
Replacement For
The line number (in the service order) of the serialized item that replaces other serialized item.
Estimated Sales Price
The estimated sales price of the material cost line.
The currency to express the estimated sales price.
Sales Price
The sales price for one of the item's sales unit.

Infor LN sets this amount to zero if the Ownership field is set to Customer Owned.

Price Origin
The origin of the sales price.

Allowed values

Price Origin

Total SalesAmount
The total sales amount of the material cost line.
Total CostAmount
This total cost amount for the cost line, determined by the equation:
actual quantity * unit cost
The currency used to express the total cost amount.
Cost AmountGoodwill
The cost amount of the actual cost line that is not covered by other cost types for deduction from the Total CostAmount.

If the Sales AmountGoodwill is specified, the corresponding percentage is deducted from this amount.

Invoice CostAmount
The invoice cost amount of the cost line sent to the customer.

Invoice Cost Amount is calculated by using the following formula:

Invoice Cost Amount = Total Cost Amount - Warranty - Contract 
     - Quotation - FCO - other costs.
Discount Percentage
The percentage discounted from the value in the cost line's Net SalesAmount. If you enter a value in this field, Infor LN calculates the discount in the sales currency and displays the amount in the Discount Amount field.

Infor LN sets this amount to zero if the Ownership field is set to Customer Owned.

Discount Amount
The discount amount expressed in the sales currency.
  • This field is displayed only if the Use Coverage Calculation for Estimates check box is selected in:
    • The Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session.
    • The Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session.
  • This field is enabled only if the value in the Sales Price field is not zero.
  • The discount amount that is discounted from the invoice is displayed, if you specify a value in the Discount Percentage field.
  • You can specify the discount amount that is discounted from the invoice, if a value is not specified in the Discount Percentage field.
  • Infor LN sets the value of this field to zero if the Ownership field is set to Customer Owned.
Discount Origin
The origin for the discount amount.

Allowed values

Discount Origin


This field is displayed only if the Use Coverage Calculation for Estimates check box is selected in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session.

Net SalesAmount
The amount the customer is invoiced for the cost line.
Print on Invoice
The print options for the cost line when the invoice amount is zero.

This field is set to No Invoice if the Ownership field is set to Customer Owned.

Estimated Cost Line
Indicates if the cost line is created in the estimated phase.
Allocation and Hard Pegging Type
The allocation and hard pegging type. Infor LN allocates the inventory for a specific demand. Infor LN uses the item specifications to match the demand and supply of inventory.
A reference code to which the inventory is allocated. Infor LN can use the inventory only for an order with the same reference number.
Use Unallocated Inventory
If this check box is selected, Infor LN Enterprise Planning uses unallocated inventory to match and meet the inventory demand and supply.
Buy-from BP
The code of the buy-from business partner who is the preferred supplier of the item.
The description or name of the code.
Planned Delivery Time
The date on which the non-used materials are expected back in the warehouse.
Planned Receipt Time
The planned receipt date and time of the goods at the destination.
Actual Delivery Time
The actual date on which the non-used materials are delivered back in the warehouse.
Actual Receipt Time
The actual receipt date and time of the goods at the destination.
The tax country that applies to the cost line.
The description or name of the code.
Tax Number
The tax number of the service provider.
Tax Code
The tax code applicable for the cost line.
Business Partner Tax Country
The tax country of the business partner.
The description or name of the code.
Effectivity Unit
The code of the effectivity unit.
The description or name of the code.


Process Return Deliveries
Generates return delivery lines for the non-consumed material and the repairable items, when the order is released.

This option generates the return deliveries for non-consumed Items when the order status is set to Released. The non-consumed quantity for a material cost line is the Issued Quantity minus the Actual Quantity In Inventory Unit. On the return delivery line, the Item-data (Item, Serial and Ownership) is defaulted from the delivery line. The Required Quantity is defaulted with the Non-consumed quantity of the delivery line. The Non-consumed quantity on the delivery line can be modified by adjusting the Actual Quantity In Inventory Unit.