Transfer orders for depot repair - using both warehouse and location

In depot repair, both warehouse and location can be used to store the item. A transfer order is generated to move the item between the location warehouse and central warehouse.

The item is received in a Location, and delivered from a Warehouse

When you create a Part Maintenance Line, Infor LN defaults the value in the receipt Location and delivery Location field with the Location Incoming Parts and Location Outgoing Parts specified for the Work Order Department in the Maintenance Sales Order - Part Maintenance Lines (tsmsc1110m100) session. The Location Incoming Parts and Location Outgoing Parts are defined in the Service Departments (tsmdm1100m000) session.

The Work Order Warehouse field in the Maintenance Sales Order - Part Maintenance Lines (tsmsc1110m100) field is not applicable as the item is received in a location. The value in the Work Order Warehouse field is defaulted from the Warehouse Outgoing Parts specified for the Work Order Department in the Maintenance Sales Order - Part Maintenance Lines (tsmsc1110m100) session.

After the work order is closed, the item must be received in the Warehouse and a transfer order is created. The item is moved from Warehouse to delivery Warehouse. After the transfer order is processed, the item can be returned to the customer.

The item is received in a warehouse, and delivered from a location

When you create a Part Maintenance Line, Infor LN defaults the value in the receipt Warehouse and delivery Warehouse field with the Warehouse Incoming Parts and Warehouse Outgoing Parts specified for the Service Office in the Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m100) session. The value in the delivery Location field is defaulted from the Location Outgoing Parts specified for the Work Order Department in the Maintenance Sales Order - Part Maintenance Lines (tsmsc1110m100) session. The value in the Work Order Warehouse field is defaulted from the Warehouse Incoming Parts specified for the Work Order Department in the Maintenance Sales Order - Part Maintenance Lines (tsmsc1110m100) session.

The transfer order is created after the final receipt of the part maintenance lines, for the received quantity which can be different from the required quantity, specified for the part maintenance lines. After the work order is closed, the item must be received in the Location and the item can be returned to the customer.