Contract quotation price simulation

LN provides contract quotation price information, to enable you to control and review the costs associated with the terms and conditions.

The sales and cost amounts for the contract quotation are displayed in the following sessions:

  • The sales and cost amounts for the contract configuration lines are displayed in Contract Quotation Configuration Lines (tsctm1110m200) session.
  • The sales and cost prices for the coverage terms are displayed in Contract Quotation Coverage Terms (tsctm1120m200) session.
  • The total sales and cost amounts for the contract quotation are displayed in the Contract Quotations (tsctm2100m000) session.

The cost and sales price are calculated automatically and the changes are displayed in the following sessions:

  • Contract Quotation Configuration Lines (tsctm1110m200)
  • Contract Quotation Coverage Terms (tsctm1120m200)
  • Contract Quotations (tsctm2100m000).