To use installment templates

Installment templates enable you to generate installments when the service organization operates with a set of predetermined installment conditions.

You must define the Installment templates before you enter the header data in the service-contract template of the service contract or service-contract quotation. You can use the installment templates to prepare specific details of an installment in advance. The creation time for the installment strategy is reduced and the same terms and conditions are applied under similar circumstances.

Create an installment template

Use the Print Installment Templates (tsctm4410m000) session to create and print the installment templates.

On the template header, you can enter the following data in regard to the template:

  • A description of the template
  • The interval between installments
  • The date on which the installment is invoiced
  • The shift period that must be used for invoicing.
  • The number of financial periods.
Using the installment templates:

You can use installment templates when you enter header data of the service contract or the service-contract quotation. You must create the installment template in:

  • The Installment Template field of the Contract Quotations (tsctm2100m000) session for a service-contract quotation.
  • The Installment Template field of the Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000) session for a service contract.