Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000)

Use this session to create or modify maintenance sales order lines.

Use the following options to view the related orders within the service package and the related orders originating from the packages such as Purchase, Manufacturing and Warehouse:

  • Related To:
    Starts the Graphical Browser Framework that displays the orders which originate from the current order.
  • Related From:
    Starts the Graphical Browser Framework that displays the orders that originate from the specific order.

Graphical Browser Framework allows you to view Multi level relations of the orders. You can view the details using the following options:

  • View Details:
    Use this option to view the details of the related order.
  • Reverse Tree:
    Use this option to start the Graphical Browser Framework in reverse mode starting from the order you select. For example, if you open Graphical Browser Framework in Related To mode, you can use the reverse option to view the orders in the Related From mode.

Use the Recalculate Price/Discounts Entire Line option to retrieve the default sales price for the maintenance sales order lines from service contract. This option is disabled if the sales price of the part line and the related coverage lines cannot be modified.

In this session, you can do the following:


When you cancel the maintenance sales order line, LN also cancels the following:

  • Maintenance Sales Order Quotation.
  • Work Order.

When you use the reference activities, LN copies the material required data to maintenance sales order.

You can use the Estimated Coverage Lines option to view the estimated coverage lines created for the selected part line. This option is displayed only if the Use Coverage Calculation for Estimates check box is selected in the Maintenance Sales Control Parameters (tsmsc0100m000) session and the Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000) session.

You cannot delete a part line, if:

  • The Allow to Delete Estimates field is set to No in the Maintenance Sales Control Parameters (tsmsc0100m000) session.
  • The status of the part line is set to Released.


Maintenance Sales Order
The order number for which the item lines must be maintained.
Line Number
The item line number.
Related to Line
The line number of the item line to which an item can be related.
Serial Status
The status of the serialized item, after the item is received. Possible values:
  • Active: The item is operational.
  • Defective: The item is not operational.
  • Working Condition: The item is operational, but is returned, possibly because of the replacement by a more advanced component.
  • To be Recycled: The item is not operational and must be scrapped. The item must undergo recycling procedures (WEEE standards). The item must be stored in the warehouse, to be disposed on a later date.
Allocation and Hard Pegging Type
The allocation and hard pegging type that LN allocates to the inventory for a specific demand. LN uses the item specifications to match the demand and supply of inventory.

Allocation and Hard Pegging is applicable only for the following line procedures:

  • Part Loan
  • Part Delivery
  • Part Maintenance

Select the allocation and hard pegging type for the maintenance sales order lines. This field can have the following values:

  • Customer Based The inventory supply for the maintenance sales order line is allocated and/or hard pegged to the sold-to BP.
  • Order Based The inventory supply for the maintenance sales order line is allocated and/or hard pegged to the maintenance sales order line.
  • Customer Reference Based The supply for the maintenance sales order line is allocated and/or hard pegged to the maintenance sales order line. Customer Reference is used for subcontracting. In the subcontractor's system, the customer reference is populated by the manufacturer, using electronic messages .
  • Internal Reference Based The supply for the maintenance sales order line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the internal reference.
  • Not Applicable The allocation and hard pegging is not applicable.

The field is available only when you select the Allocation and Hard Pegging check box in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Business Object Type
The type of business object. Example maintenance sales order.
Business Object
The identifier of the business object. Example maintenance sales order.
Business Object Reference
The reference to the business object. Example the line number of the maintenance sales order.
A reference code to which the inventory is allocated. LN can use the inventory only for an order with the same reference number.

The field is enabled only when you set the Allocation and Hard Pegging Type field to one of the following:

  • Internal Reference Based LN uses the field to record an internal reference.
  • Customer Reference Based LN uses the field to record a reference code that is defined by a customer.
Estimated Sales Price
The estimated sales price for the part line. This value is defaulted from the Sales Price field if the part Line Status is set to Free.
  • This field is displayed only if the Use Coverage Calculation for Estimates check box is selected in the Maintenance Sales Control Parameters (tsmsc0100m000) and the Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000) sessions.
  • This field is applicable only if the Pricing Method is set to Fixed Order Price.
Use Unallocated Inventory
If this check box is selected, Infor LN Enterprise Planning uses unallocated inventory to match and meet the inventory demand and supply.

If this check box is cleared, Infor LN Enterprise Planning does not use unallocated inventory to meet the inventory demand.


LN matches the inventory demand and supply in the following order of priority:

  1. Allocated inventory
  2. Unallocated inventory

Use Unallocated Inventory is not applicable for part maintenance and part receipt lines.

Coverage Contract
The number of the service contract that covers the maintenance/sales performed under this order line.
If this check box is selected, LN does not allow any change in the maintenance sales order line and work oder.

This is a display field. LN selects the check box when you create a quotation.

Interruption Reason
The reasons for which the LN interrupts the maintenance sales order line. The interruption reason is populated from the Work Order Parameters (tswcs0100m000) session when you create a quotation.

You can define the interruption reasons in the Work Order Parameters (tswcs0100m000) session.

Replacement For
The Line Procedure of the related line.
Maintenance Sales Order
Calculate Residual Value
To default the new residual value, LN adds the average repair cost to the existing residual value.
Residual value = Item Residual Value (before repair) + Average Repair Costs

Line Procedure
Line Procedure. Allowed values
  • Receipt
  • Maintenance
  • Loan
  • Delivery

If the line procedure is Delivery or Loan, the Reference Item field is enabled.


You can convert part loan to part delivery, and part maintenance line to part receipt.

The item or item code part of a serialized item. If you specify any value in the Reference Item field, the field is disabled.
Serial Number
The serial number of the serialized item. You can manually enter the serial number. The following are the two possible conditions:

When the item number is specified

  • Enter the serialized item's existing serial number. Alternatively, you can use the browse arrow to select the serial number from the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session.

When the item number is not specified

  • A serial number can be linked to one or more serialized items. When you enter the serial number that is linked to more than one serialized item, the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session opens and displays all the items to which that serial number is linked. You can select any serialized item from the list. When you select the serialized item, the Description, Quantity, and Department fields are populated.
  • When you enter the serial number that is linked to only one serialized item, the Item, Description, Quantity, and Department fields are populated.

In case the serial number entered is incorrect, LN displays an error message.


You can specify only those serial numbers which are linked to an item.

Effectivity Unit
A reference number, for example a sales order line or a project deliverable line, that is used to model deviations for a unit effective item.
This field is used to handle repair of items unknown in LN. The incoming defective item is given a label, which is stored in this field. The label identifies the item throughout the maintenance work cycle.
The unit in which the quantity is expressed.
The number of items to be received, delivered, or maintained.
Installation Group
The code that identifies the installation group, which can be the Installation group to which the item coming for maintenance belongs, or the Installation group to which the item is going.
Extra Intrastat Info
Statistical import/export data that is not available as standard information in LN, but which is required on the sales listing or the Intrastat declaration by some of the EU member states.

You can add up to 15 data fields to the Intrastat statistical data by defining them as extra Intrastat information set. You can assign the extra Intrastat information sets to warehouse order lines.

Reference Item Details
Reference Item
The reference item that is linked to the order line.

When the following two conditions are met, the field is enabled:

  • The Item field is empty.
  • The value selected in the Line Procedure field is one of the following:
    • Loan
    • Delivery
Reference Item
The description of the reference item.
Reported Problem
The problem that is reported by the customer.

This field is displayed only if the Use Diagnostics check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

The description of the problem.
Expected Solution
The probable solution for the reported problem.

This field is displayed only if the Use Diagnostics check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

The description of the solution.
Expected Problem
The problem that is expected.

This field is displayed only if the Use Diagnostics check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

The description of the expected problem.
Actual Problem
Indicates the actual problem.

This field is displayed only if the Use Diagnostics check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

When a call is transferred to a maintenance sales order, the value is imported from Call Management.

The description of the actual problem.
Actual Solution
The solution for the problem.

This field is displayed only if the Use Diagnostics check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Problem Text
If this check box is selected, a text that contains the problem that was reported by the customer is available.

This field is displayed only if the Use Diagnostics check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

When a call is transferred to a maintenance sales order, this text is retrieved from Call Management.

Solution Text
If this check box is selected, a text that contains the solution is provided.

This field is displayed only if the Use Diagnostics check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

When a call is transferred to a maintenance sales order, this text is retrieved from Call Management.

Parent Details
Parent Item
The item code of the parent service item required for the service order.
Serial Number
The serial number of the parent serialized item.
The position number of the child item in the service order.
The corresponding call number if the maintenance sales order originates from a call.
The number of the quotation that is linked to the maintenance sales order.
The code of the service department that is responsible for carrying out the maintenance activities.
For...The default execution department is...
Anonymous itemService department of the anonymous item
Installation group and anonymous itemService department of Installation group
Serialized itemService department of serialized item
Installation group and serialized itemService department of serialized item
Anonymous item without department
  • Service office of maintenance sales order header (1)
  • Service department from service engineer (2)


(1) For Maintenance line.

(2) For Call Management.

Reference Activity
The reference activity that defines the maintenance work on the specified item and that is used for the work order that is created for the actual execution of the maintenance work.
  • This field is disabled if the Master Routing is defined.
  • You cannot modify this value if a work order exists for the part line, and:
    • The deletion of the work order is not allowed,
    • The Create Work Order for Part Maintenance Line field is set to Automatic in the Maintenance Sales Control Parameters (tsmsc0100m000) session.
Master Routing
The code of the master routing used for the part line. If a Work Order is generated from this maintenance sales order, work order activities are generated corresponding to this master routing and the default routing option defined for this master routing.
  • This field is visible only if the Use Master Routing check box is selected in the Work Order Parameters (tswcs0100m000) session.
  • This field is disabled if;
    • The Line Procedure is not set to Maintenance.
    • The Reference Activity is specified.
    • The Line Status is set to Free or Released and a Work Order is created for this part line or if the Line Status is set to In Process, Completed, Costed, Closed or Canceled.
    • A Contract Quotation is linked to Maintenance Sales Order and the Interrupted check box is selected.
    • You cannot modify this value if a work order exists for the part line, and:
      • The deletion of the work order is not allowed,
      • The Create Work Order for Part Maintenance Line field is set to Automatic in the Maintenance Sales Control Parameters (tsmsc0100m000) session.
The description or name of the code.
Routing Option
The code of the routing option used for the part line.
  • This field is visible only if the Use Master Routing check box is selected in the Work Order Parameters (tswcs0100m000) session.
  • This field is enabled only if Master Routing is specified.
  • This field is disabled if;
    • The Line Status is set to Free or Released and a Work Order is created for this part line or if the Line Status is set to In Process, Completed, Costed, Closed or Canceled.
    • The Line Procedure is not set to Maintenance.
    • The Reference Activity is specified.
  • This value is defaulted if a Routing Option exists for the Master Routing in the Routing Options (tsacm1101m200) session.
The description or name of the code.
Work Order
The number of the work order if the item line resulted in a work order.
The reason for canceling the item line.
The date and time of the cancellation.
If this check box is selected, it indicates that the sales order is initiated for cancellation.

You cannot cancel an item line on which work has already been done. In such cases, the cancellation procedure will select this check box, which will then indicate that further execution of work must stop.

If this check box is selected, it indicates that text with further cancellation details is available.

Related topics

Converted From
Indicates that the line is Converted From other line procedures.

The default value is Not Applicable.

The following are the other possible values:

  • Part Maintenance: When the line is converted from Part Maintenance to Part Receipt.
  • Part Loan: When the line is converted from Part Loan to Part Delivery.
Receipt Reason
Displays the reason for which the line is converted to Part Receipt.
Receipt Reason
The description or name of the code.
Business Partner
The name of the business partner.
Business Partner
The description of the business partner.
Search Item
The code of the covered item.

Use this field to check if you can provide coverage (either from a Warranty or from a Contract) to the item that is delivered or loaned to the customer


The Contract/Warranty is picked up based on the Covered Item/Serial.

Search Item Serial Number
The serial number of the covered item.
Coverage Time
The date and time that is used to calculate the coverage amount.
Price Origin
The origin of the sales price.

Allowed values

Price Origin

Pricing Contract
The contract linked to the maintenance sales part line for which contract price is defined
Contract Ignored
If this check box is selected/cleared, the following are the possible scenarios:
  • If this check box is selected, and Pricing Contract, Pricing Contract Change and the Pricing Contract Line fields are specified, a valid service contract is linked and the sales price of the service contract is overruled.
  • If this check box is selected, and Pricing Contract, Pricing Contract Change and the Pricing Contract Line fields are not specified, a service contract is not linked.
  • If this check box is cleared, and Pricing Contract, Pricing Contract Change and the Pricing Contract Line fields are specified, a valid service contract exists and pricing terms data is used.
  • If this check box is cleared, and Pricing Contract, Pricing Contract Change and the Pricing Contract Line fields are not specified, a valid service contract does not exist.

This is a display field.

This field is displayed only if the Use Prices in Service Contracts check box is selected in the Contract Management Parameters (tsctm0100m000) session.

Service Type
You can define WarehouseOrder Typefor Issue and WarehouseOrder Typefor Receipt for a service type in the Service Types (tsmdm0130m000) session. When a warehouse order is created for a maintenance sales order, LN selects the warehouse order of type WarehouseOrder Typefor Issue or WarehouseOrder Typefor Receipt that is defined for the service type.

If no WarehouseOrder Typefor Issue or WarehouseOrder Typefor Receipt for the service type is defined, LN selects the default warehouse order type that is defined in the Default Order Types by Origin (whinh0120m000) session.

Service Type
The description or name of the code.
The pricing method that LN uses to invoice the maintenance work.

Allowed values

Pricing Method


This value can be set to Repair Warranty, Quotation Fixed, and Quotation Fixed Plus only if the Line Procedure is set to Part Lines.

LN uses this search criteria for the default Fixed Order Price when the Line Procedure for the lines is set to Maintenance:

  • If a Pricing Contract is linked to the Line and:
    • The Master Routing/ Routing Option is specified, LN checks for the Fixed Order Price with the same Master Routing/ Routing Option in the Fixed Price Terms (tsctm1111m000) session. If exists, the Method is set to Fixed Order Price.
    • The specified Master Routing/ Routing Option does not exist in the Fixed Price Terms (tsctm1111m000) session, LN checks for the Fixed Order Price with the Price Level set to Any Order. If exists, the Method is set to Fixed Order Price.
    • The Master Routing/ Routing Option is not specified, LN checks for the Fixed Order Price with the Price Level set to Any Order in the Fixed Price Terms (tsctm1111m000) session. If exists, the Method is set to Fixed Order Price.
  • If a Pricing Contract is not linked to the Line and the Master Routing/ Routing Option is specified, LN checks for the Sales Price, with the Fixed Price check box selected, in the Master Routings (tsacm1101m100) and the Routing Options (tsacm1101m200)
Sales Price
The agreed price for the maintenance work. For the sale of replacements, this field indicates the sales price of the item.

This field is only available if the pricing method is Fixed Order Price.

Sales Price
The currency in which the sales price is expressed.
The unit in which the sales price is expressed.
Sales Type
Indicates multiple accounts by one invoice-to business partner.
Repair Warranty
If this check box is selected by default, it indicates that Repair warranty coverage is applicable for the Part Maintenance line.
Warranty Type
The type of warranty applicable to the coverage lines linked to the maintenance sales order line.

Allowed values

Warranty Type

The code of the warranty applicable to the coverage lines linked to the maintenance sales order line.

This field is mandatory if the Warranty Type is set to a value other than No Warranty.

The value in this field cannot be modified if the Line Status is set to Costed, Closed or Canceled and/or the coverage line Status is set to Costed.

Planned Time
The planned receipt time of the item in the warehouse or location specified.
Receipt Warehouse
The warehouse in which the items are received.
  • You can specify a value in this field, if the item is maintained in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session in the Infor LN.
  • If the Line Procedure is set to the Maintenance in the Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000) session, you can specify a location instead of a warehouse.
  • Infor LN defaults this value from the Warehouse Incoming Parts field specified for the Service Office defined in the Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m100) session. The Warehouse Incoming Parts is defined in the Service Departments (tsmdm1100m000) session.
  • • Infor LN clears and disables this field, if the Location (Receipt) is specified.
Lot Selection
The specific conditions that can be established for lot items on order lines.

These conditions are:

  • Any
    The goods to be received or shipped are not subject to specific lot conditions. You can use more than one lot.
  • Same
    You can select any lot for receipt or shipment, but the entire receipt or shipment must have the same lot.
  • Specific
    You can receive or ship only one, specific lot.
The lot to be received.
Receipt Location
The location where the items are anticipated/received.
The quantity to be received.
Actual Times
The time at which the item is actually received. This time isautomatically filled in when the warehouse inbound procedure is completed or when the item receipt is confirmed using the Confirm Item Receipt/Delivery in Location (tsmsc1100m200) session.
  • If you specify a location, you must manually enter the time.
  • A value in this field indicates the completion of the receipt procedure.
Final Receipt
Indicates that the final item is received in the warehouse and the warehouse order is completed.
Final Delivery
Indicates that the final item is delivered in the warehouse and the warehouse order is completed.
By Appointment
If this check box is selected, shipment is done by appointment. The planned shipment time then remains fixed and can no longer be modified.
Planned Time
The planned delivery time of the item in the warehouse or location specified.
ATP Date
The ATP date when the specific spare part is available in the warehouse.

ATP Date in Maintenance Line is populated only if the ATP check is successfully performed .

The ATP date is updated automatically.

When the ATP date is greater than the planned delivery date, ERP resets the schedule start time and the planned delivery date to the corresponding ATP date.

The ATP date is not updated when the following occurs:

  • The Item is not present in the warehouse.
  • The master plan is not present.
  • The date does not fall within the range that is specified in the master plan horizon.

Related topics

Delivery Warehouse
The warehouse from which the items are delivered.
  • If the Line Procedure is set to the Maintenance in the Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000) session, you can specify a location instead of a warehouse.
  • Infor LN defaults this value from the Warehouse Outgoing Parts field specified for the Service Office defined in the Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m100) session. The Warehouse Outgoing Parts is defined in the Service Departments (tsmdm1100m000) session.
  • • Infor LN clears and disables this field, if the Location (Delivery) is specified.
Lot Selection
The specific conditions that can be established for lot items on order lines.

These conditions are:

  • Any
    The goods to be received or shipped are not subject to specific lot conditions. You can use more than one lot.
  • Same
    You can select any lot for receipt or shipment, but the entire receipt or shipment must have the same lot.
  • Specific
    You can receive or ship only one, specific lot.
The lot to be delivered.
Delivery Location
The location from which the items are delivered after the completion of the maintenance work.
The quantity to be delivered.
Actual Times
The time at which the item is actually delivered. This time is filled in automatically when the warehouse outbound procedure is completed,or the item delivery is confirmed using the Confirm Item Receipt/Delivery in Location (tsmsc1100m200) session.
  • If you specify a location, you must manually enter the time.
  • A value in this field indicates the completion of the delivery procedure.
Freight Receipt
The route that is entered on the originating order. The default value is taken from the freight order header.
The description or name of the code.
Planned Carrier
The carrier that receives the goods on the current freight order line. The value in this field is taken from the freight order header.

If the load building engine finds other carriers that offer lower prices and/or provide a better planning scope, the carrier that you enter in this field is overruled.

If you do not enter a carrier in this field, the load building engine selects a carrier.

If the carrier entered in this field is not to be overruled by the load building engine, select the Carrier Binding check box.

Related topics

  • To create freight orders.
  • The load building process.
  • To use Freight Management for direct deliveries.
  • Freight Management in multi site environments.
The description or name of the code.
Carrier Binding
If this check box is selected,, the load building engine does not overwrite the carrier that you select in this field. However, as a rule, the load building engine does overwrite the carrier that you select in this field if the engine finds another carrier that offers lower prices and/or a more favorable planning scope. To specify a carrier for a specific order line and you do not want the load building engine to change the carrier, you can select the Carrier Binding check box. If the freight order line is clustered, the carrier in the carrier field is not overwritten during the clustering process, but you can, if required, manually change the carrier after the clustering process is carried out. If the LoadPlanning check box is cleared for the freight order line in the Freight Order Lines (fmfoc2101m000) session, a freight order line is available for clustering.

If no carrier is selected in the Planned Carrier field, this field is unavailable.

If this check box is selected, it indicates that the incoming part has accessories.
Accessories Text
If this check box is selected, a text with further details on the accessories that accompany the incoming part is available.

Related topics

Freight Delivery
The route that is entered on the originating order. The default value is taken from the freight order header.
Planned Carrier
The carrier that is to transport the goods on the current freight order line. The value in this field is taken from the freight order header.

If the load building engine finds other carriers that offer lower prices and/or provide a better planning scope, the carrier that you enter in this field is overruled.

If you do not enter a carrier in this field, the load building engine selects a carrier.

If the carrier entered in this field is not to be overruled by the load building engine, select the carrier binding check box.

Carrier Binding
You can use this option to prevent the load building engine from overwriting the carrier that is selected for a given freight order line.

The default value is set to No.

The field is available only if you define the carrier in the Carrier field.

Freight Planning
Planned Receipt
Generate Freight Order
If this check box is selected, LN generates a freight order from maintenance sales order.
Freight Order Present
The checkbox is used to indicate the presence or absence of a freight order for the work order line.

By default, the checkbox is selected.

Freight Service Level
The freight service level allows you to indicate the preferred transportation time for the item listed on the order line. The value is defaulted from the originating order, if defined in the order. For direct deliveries, the value is taken from the sales order.

Related topics

  • The use of freight service levels
Freight Service Level
The description or name of the code.
Invoice for Freight
Select the option to indicate how the freight costs are invoiced to the business partner.

The possible values are as follows:

  • By Service: The actual freight costs are on a separate freight cost line. The amounts to be invoiced are updated from freight management. The costs are released to invoicing by Service.
  • By Freight Management: Freight costs are invoiced by Freight.
  • Not Applicable:The actual freight costs are ignored by Service.
Freight Costs Based On
LN adds the freight costs to the invoice to business partner in the following ways:

Possible values:

  • Freight Costs: You can use this option to invoice the business partner based on the current information that is available on the freight costs for a shipment or load incurred by the carrier. The freight invoice amount is based on a carrier rate book in Pricing Control.
  • Freight Costs (Update Allowed): You can use this option to send a second invoice to the external business partner if you previously invoiced the BP and the real freight costs differ from the amount that is invoiced. The initial freight invoice amount is based on a carrier rate book in Pricing Control.
  • Client Rates: Freight invoice amount is based on client rate book in Pricing Control and stores freight service rates for a specific business partner. The invoice amount is independent of the actual freight costs that are made by the carrier.
  • Not Applicable: No invoice for freight costs.
Freight Amount
The freight amount that is defaulted from Pricing.
Freight Amount Binding
If this check box is selected, the freight costs cannot be changed. You can calculate the Invoice Amount and select the check box to ensure that the amount is not recalculated or manually changed. The check box is unavailable and selected if the freight costs that are calculated for the originating sales order line are made binding. To make this line binding, select the Freight Amount Binding check box in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session. If the invoicing method is Freight Costs or Freight Costs (Update Allowed), this check box is unavailable.

Related topics

  • Recalculate for shipment differences
  • Freight cost revenue calculation at order entry.
  • Invoicing methods.
Planned Loading Time
The planned date and time on which loading is to take place at the ship-from location.
Planned load time=(Planned Receipt Time)-(Time to travel from BP to Warehouse)
Planned Delivery
Generate Freight Order
If this check box is selected, LN generates a freight order from maintenance sales order.
Freight Order Present
This checkbox is used to indicate the presence or absence of a freight order for the work order line.

By default, the checkbox is selected.

Freight Service Level
The freight service level allows you to indicate the preferred transportation time for the item listed on the order line.
Invoice for Freight
Select the value to indicate how you can invoice the freight costs to the business partner.

This field can have the following values: (Finance)

  • By Service
  • By Freight Management
  • Not Applicable
Freight Costs Based On
Select the method to invoice the freight rates to the business partner.

This field can have the following values: (Finance)

  • Freight Costs: You can invoice the business partner based on the existing information.
  • Freight Costs (Update Allowed): Use this option to make changes in the freight costs by sending a second invoice to the business partner.
  • Client Rates: Freight costs are based on the client rate book in Pricing Control.
  • Not Applicable: No invoice for freight costs.
Freight Amount
The calculated transportation costs for the goods that are listed on the current order or order line.
Freight Amount Binding
If this check box is selected, the freight costs cannot be changed. You can calculate the invoice amount and select this check box to ensure that the amount is not recalculated or manually changed. If the freight costs that are calculated for the originating sales order line are made binding, this check box is unavailable and selected. To make this line binding, select the Freight Amount Binding check box in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000). If the invoicing method is Freight Costs or Freight Costs (Update Allowed), this check box is unavailable.
Freight Actual
Actual Receipt
Actual Loading Time
The date and time on which loading has actually been carried out. To update the actual loading time, confirm Receipt in Freight Management.
Actual Carrier
The actual carrier that receives the goods.
The freight load that is carried out by the carrier.
The freight shipment that is transported in the load.
The weight of the goods that are listed on the Installation group line before transportation takes place.
Weight Unit
The unit in which the weight is expressed. The default measuring units used in Freight Management are defined in the Freight Master Data Parameters (fmfmd0100m000) session.
A free text field, in which you can enter a descriptive text or code. Default texts are taken from the corresponding freight order line. Entries in this field are not unique.
Actual Delivery
Actual Carrier
The actual carrier that delivers the goods.
Planned Unloading Time
The planned date and time on which unloading is to take place at the ship-to location. The default value is the planned delivery time.
Actual Unloading Time
The date and time at which unloading has actually been carried out. The default value is the planned delivery time. To update the actual unloading time, confirm the delivery in freight management.
The freight load that is carried out by the carrier.
The freight shipment that is transported in the load.
The weight of the goods that are listed on the Installation group line before transportation takes place.
The unit in which the weight is expressed. The default measuring units used in Freight are defined in the Freight Master Data Parameters (fmfmd0100m000) session.
A free text field, in which you can enter a descriptive text or code. Default texts are taken from the corresponding freight order line. Entries in this field are not unique.


Serial Number
Click the button to generate a serial number.
Convert to FixedPlus Quotation
Sets the Proposal Method of the quotation to Fixed Plus.
Create Quotation
Creates the quotation and populates the maintenance sales order quotation number in the Contract Quotation field.
Print Draft Invoice
Use this option to print the draft invoice.

This option is enabled when:

  • The status of the maintenance sales order line is In Process or Completed.


  • If the Total Invoice check box is selected, then all the coverage lines will be printed in the draft invoice.
  • If the Total Invoice check box is cleared, then the coverage lines are printed individually. Only the coverage lines with status Free are considered for printing.
... (Lot and Serial Set - Receipt)
Starts the Lot and Serial Set (tcibd4111m000) session wherein you can enter lot details when the Lots in Inventory checkbox is cleared, and the Register Lot Issue in Service & Maintenance field is set to Yes, in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session. You can only view the lot details when the Register Lot Issue in Service & Maintenance field is set to No.

The button is enabled only when the item is lot controlled.


You can enter the lot details till the status of the order is less than Costed.

...(Lot and Serial Set - Delivery)
Starts the Lot and Serial Set (tcibd4111m000) session wherein you can enter lot details when the Lots in Inventory checkbox is cleared, and the Register Lot Issue in Service & Maintenance field is set to Yes, in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000). You can only view the lot details when the Register Lot Issue in Service & Maintenance field is set to No.

The button is enabled only when the item is lot controlled.


You can enter the lot details till the status of the order is less than Costed.

Enables you to cost the maintenance sales order line using the Close Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1200m000) session.
Enables you to cancel the maintenance sales order line using the Cancel Maintenance Sales Order - Item Line (tsmsc1210m000) session.
Item Receipt
Click to calculate the actual receipt time for the work order.
View Work Order/Activity
Click to view work order details in the Work Orders (tswcs2100m000) session.
Freight Amount
Use this command to calculate the freight amount for planned receipts.
Freight Amount
Use this command to calculate the freight amount for planned deliveries.
Calculates the planned receipt time.
Calculates the planned load time
Calculates the planned unload time
Calculates the planned delivery time
Freight Plan
Retrieves the actual freight information from the carrier, shipment, load, weight and weight unit.
Freight Plan
Retrieves the actual freight information from the carrier, shipment, load, weight and weight unit.
Alternative Items
Starts the Alternative Items (tcibd0505m000) session.
  • You can select an alternative item only when the Item field is editable.

You can select the option based on the Order Status field and the Delivery Type.

  • The Order Status field must be set to Free or Planned.
  • The delivery type must be one of the following:
    • From Warehouse
    • From Warehouse in Car
    • From Warehouse by Transport
    • From Service Kit
    • From Service Inventory
    • By Field Purchase
    • Supplier Direct Delivery
Alternative Items-Item Breakdown
Starts the Alternative Items-Item Breakdown (tscfg1120m000) session.
  • You can select an alternative item only when the Item field is editable.

You can select the option based on the Order Status field and the Delivery Type.

  • The Order Status field must be set to Free or Planned.
  • The delivery type must be one of the following:
    • From Warehouse
    • From Warehouse in Car
    • From Warehouse by Transport
    • From Service Kit
    • From Service Inventory
    • By Field Purchase
    • Supplier Direct Delivery
Related Orders To
Starts the Graphical Browser Framework that displays the orders which originate from the current order.
Related Orders From
Starts the Graphical Browser Framework that displays the orders from which the current order originates from.
Link / Unlink Contract
Allows the user to link or unlink the service contract with the pricing terms.
  • This option is enabled only if the pricing contract is defined for the service contract.
  • This option is visible only if the Use Prices in Service Contracts check box is selected in the Contract Management Parameters (tsctm0100m000) session.