Calls (tsclm1100m100)

Use this session to view and to maintain the call details, including general data, business partner data, routing data, and diagnosis data.


Call Number
The code that identifies the call. This code is used for internal reference, and for immediate contact purposes.
Call Description
A short description of the call's problem.
Sold-to BP
The code of the sold-to business partner for whom you handle the call.

If this field is entered, the call is for an external business partner. Otherwise, the call is for internal purposes.

The name of the sold-to business partner.
Reaction Time

LN calculates this value based on the reported time and the reaction period. For more information, refer to Priorities.

ActualTime Left
The time that the support engineer has to resolve the Reported Problem.


actual time left = (initial time) - (time lapsed)
The item to which the call relates.

The item's general project code is entered in the first field. The item's service code is entered in the second field.

Serial Number
The serial number of the item to which the call relates.

This serial number is selected from the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session, which includes other details such as item code and description, Installation group, business partner, and item grouping.

  • The serialized item must belong to the selected installation group.
  • If the serial number is selected by zooming to the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session, only items from the selected Installation group will be displayed.
Master Routing
The master routing code used for the call. If a service order is generated for this call, the reference activities linked to the default routing option defined for this master routing are generated.

The master routing is used in the call if the Use Master Routing check box is selected in Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session.

Coverage Type
The coverage type that is used to determine the warranty or contract coverage allocation.
Coverage Time
The coverage time of the call for which a pricing contract, a coverage contract, or a warranty is defined.
Coverage Contract
The code of the coverage contract that is linked to the call.
The country where the business partner is located.
The code of the business partner's operating language.
Support Engineer
The support engineer to whom the call has been assigned.

If the support engineer is unable to solve the call, you can reassign the call to a different support center.

The project to which the cost is pegged.

The Project Cost Account to which cost is pegged is a combination of Project, Element and Activity.

For more information, refer to

Project Element
The element that is linked to the project.

The Project Cost Account to which cost is pegged is a combination of Project, Element and Activity.

Project Activity
The activity that is linked to the project.

The Project Cost Account to which cost is pegged is a combination of Project, Element and Activity.

Parent Call
If the call has been derived from a previous (parent) call, that call's code will be displayed here.

Because only one problem can be logged for each call, if a business partner calls with more than one problem, a corresponding number of calls must be created. To create such calls, choose Create Follow-up Call... on the appropriate menu, or use CTRL + F1.

Follow-up Call
If the customer has made a follow-up (child) call, the call's code will be displayed here.

Follow-up calls are usually created when a customer reports more than one problem at the same time, because only one problem can be logged for each registered call.


If a call already has one or more follow-up calls, the code of any new follow-up call will be filled in on the last call in the chain of follow-ups.

Subcontractor Agreement
The name of the subcontractor agreement.
Business Partner Priority
The priority defined for the business partner.

The value in this field is defaulted from the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session, only if the priority is not defined for the Sold-to Business Partner in the Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000) session.

Serialized Item Priority

LN defaults this value in the Call (tsclm1100m000) session, only if the priority is not defined for the Serialized Item in the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session.

Accepted Time
The date and time of the execution of the call.
Solution Time
The time when the call status was changed to Solved.
Assessment Time
The time when the call was assigned to the support engineer.
If this check box is selected, the call-taker or support engineer has an appointment with the customer.

To set an appointment, click the appropriate button on the toolbar, or choose ... option on the appropriate menu.

Support Department
The support department to which the call has been assigned by the call center.
Latest Finish Time
The latest date and time when the service engineer can resolve the Reported Problem.
Earliest Start Time
The earliest date and time when the service engineer can start resolving the Reported Problem.
Initial Time Left
The total time that the support engineer has to resolve the Reported Problem.
Initial Time Left = Latest Solution Start Time/Latest Solution Finish Time - Reaction Time

LN calculates this value based on the calendar period defined for the Response Type.

The time unit in which the solution duration is expressed. The time unit for duration is defined in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
Down Time
The actual downtime registered by the support engineer.
Spent Time
The total amount of time the support engineer spent solving the call. This value, subject to constraints of the invoice interval, is used to invoice the business partner.
Activity Taken
The activity that is carried out to solve the problem.
Reported Problem
The reported problem. Selected from the Problems (tsclm3130m000) session.
Actual Solution

This field is displayed only if the Use Diagnostics check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Actual Problem
The real problem as determined by the service/support engineer.

This field is displayed only if the Use Diagnostics check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

The planned duration for solving the registered problem.
  • The duration of the activity that is entered in the Required Activity field.
  • The duration of the solution that is entered in the Expected Solution field.
Required Activity
The required activity selected from the Reference Activities (tsacm1101m000) session.
Expected Solution

This field is displayed only if the Use Diagnostics check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Expected Problem

This field is displayed only if the Use Diagnostics check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Search Item
The code of the covered item.

Use the field to check if you can provide coverage(either from a Warranty or from a Contract) to the item that is delivered or loaned to the customer


The Contract/Warranty is picked up based on the Covered Item/Serial.

Search Item Serial Number
The serial number of the covered item.
If this check box is selected, the call has been put on hold by the user, who can be the call-taker, support engineer, or service engineer, to allow more time to solve the call.
Waiting Description
The reason why the call has been put on hold.

If the Waiting check box is cleared, the text in this field is also cleared.

Related Field Change Order
The field change order (FCO) that is linked to the call. If a FCO is present for a item, LN prompts the user to link the FCO to the call and opens the Field Change Orders (tssoc5100m000) session to allow the user to select the FCO.
Related Field Change Order Line
The field change order lines. If the field change order line is linked to a call, you can transfer the FCO line to a service order. The FCO line is updated with the service order details when you transfer the call to a service order. You can resolve the call only if you transfer the call to field service order.
Maintenance Sales Order
The maintenance sales order number created if the call is transferred to Maintenance Sales Control.

If a call cannot be solved by the support engineer and the related item must be shipped to the depot for maintenance work, the call is transferred to a maintenance sales order.

Service Order
The service order number created if the call is transferred to Service Order Control.

The time spent solving the call will be invoiced.

Service Order Quotation
The service order quotation number which is linked to the call. To create a service order quotation, click Create Quotation.
Installation Location
The address code of the item to which the call relates.

Depending on the information entered, and in order of preference, the address code is taken from:

  • Serialized Item
  • Parent Item
  • Installation Group
  • Ship-to Business Partner
  • Sold-to Business Partner
The country where the business partner is located.
The city where the business partner is located.
The street where the business partner is located.
House Number
The door number of the business partner.
ZIP Code
The ZIP code code of the business partner.
Location Contact
A unique alphanumeric code that identifies a contact.

If the contact code selected for this field is not that of a sold-to BP, the Contact for %1$s must have the role Sold-to. error message appears.

The name of the contact.
In Use-by Business Partner
The end customer ( business partner) using the installation on which the claim is registered.
  • This field is not enabled if the claim Status is Rejected, Canceled or Closed.
  • The in value in this field is defaulted from the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session or when transferring a call to a customer claim, the in-use by data is taken from the call.
In Use-by Business Partner Address
The in use-by business partner's address.
  • This field is enabled only if the claim Status is Rejected, Canceled or Closed.
  • The in value in this field is defaulted from the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session.
In Use-by Business Partner Contact
The contact linked to the In Use-by Business Partner role.
  • This field is not enabled if the claim Status is Rejected, Canceled or Closed.
  • The in value in this field is defaulted from the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session.
In Use-by Operator Contact
The contact linked to the In Use-by Operator Contact using the installation.
  • This field is not enabled if the claim Status is Rejected, Canceled or Closed.
  • The in value in this field is defaulted from the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session.
Invoice-to Business Partner
The business partner who is invoiced for the call's costs.
Invoice-to Address
Address code of the invoice-to business partner.
  • This field is only available if the sold-to BP is filled in.
  • Default value is the address specified in the invoice-to BP's general business partner details.
Invoice-to Contact
The code of the invoice-to BP contact.
The currency in which the invoice-to business partner operates.
Invoice Interval
The code of the invoice interval used.

Invoice intervals are created, viewed, and maintained in the Invoicing Intervals (tsclm0170m000) session.

The description of the selected invoice interval.
Invoice Created
If this check box is selected, an invoice has been created.
Pay-by Business Partner
The code of the business partner who pays for solving the call.
Pay-by Address
Address code of the pay-by business partner.
Pay-by Contact
The code of the pay-by BP contact.
Ship-from Business Partner
The business partner who ships the ordered goods to your organization. This usually represents a supplier's distribution center or warehouse. The definition includes the default warehouse at which you want to receive the goods and if you want to inspect the goods, the carrier that takes care of the transport, and the related buy-from business partner.

This field is usually filled in if a subcontract provider (buy-from BP) has several branches, and if the branch that carries out the service is the ship-from BP. This enables the ship-from BP nearest to the item's location address to be selected to provide the service.

You can only change the ship-from BP if a buy-from BP is present, and if only ship-from BPs related to the buy-from BP are displayed.

Ship-from Address
Buy-from Business Partner
The code of the buy-from business partner.

This field is filled in automatically from the subcontractor agreement, if the item that the call relates to is covered by such an agreement. This occurs if the Item field on the Register tab is filled in with a serialized item or model item, covered by a subcontractor agreement.

Solution Description
Pricing Contract
The pricing contract linked to the call.

This is a display field.

This field is visible only if the Use Prices in Service Contracts check box is selected in the Contract Management Parameters (tsctm0100m000) sessions.

Pricing Contract Line
The contract configuration line linked to the call for which contract price is defined.
Pricing Contract Change
The contract change number linked to the call.
Caller's Name
The name of the person who reports the problem.
The contact phone number of the customer.
Call Center
If this check box is selected, the call is blocked.

You select blocking reasons on the Blocking tab in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session. If you have selected any blocking reasons, LN performs blocking checks on a call each time you change the call's status.

If this check box is selected, the call is considered an emergency.
Bad Fix
If this check box is selected, the call is considered a bad fix.
  • LN will select this check box if both of the following conditions apply:

    • The call relates to a serialized item.
    • The call is received within the time fence specified in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session.
  • If, in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session, the Use Priorities in Reaction Time Calculation check box is selected, the bad fix priority is used to calculate the call's priority factor.
BP Call Number
The reference number of the business partner's call. Used for emergency contact purposes.
The medium through which the call is received from the business partner.
Number of Enclosures
The number of enclosures relating to the call.
Installation Group
The installation group that the call-related item belongs to.
Response Type
The response time code.

LN uses the following search path to determine the default value:

  • If a service contract covers the call's Installation group or item, the response time defined for the service contract in the Contract Help Desk Terms (tsctm1135s300) session is the default.
  • The response time defined for the call's sold-to business partner in the Business Partner (tccom4100s000) session, however, if no response time is defined in this session:
  • The response time selected in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session.

Related topics

Response Type
The name or description of the response time.
Latest Solution Start Time

LN calculates this value based on the reported time and the solution start period. For more information, refer to Priorities.

Latest Solution Finish Time

LN calculates this value based on the reported time and the solution finish period. For more information, refer to Priorities.

Reported Time
The date and time when the call is received and registered.
Problem Priority
The priority assigned to the reported problem, selected by the person who takes the call, from a list of values in the Priorities (tcmcs0170m000) session.
  • If the Use Priorities in Reaction Time Calculation check box is selected in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session, the priority is used to calculate the call's priority factor.
  • LN defaults this value in the Call (tsclm1100m000) session, only if the priority is not defined for the Problem in the Problems (tsclm3130m000) session.
Call Group1
Call Group2
A second code given to the calls for further categorization purposes not covered by Call Group1.
Service Department
The service department assigned by the support center to carry out the activity required to solve the call.

If a call is moved to Service Order Control, the order is created with this department.

Service Engineer
The code of the service engineer to whom the service order has been assigned.


Start/Stop Timer
In Process
Create Follow-up Call...
Transfer to Service Order
Transfer to Service Order with Status Planned
Transfer to Maintenance Sales Order
Part Maintenance
Part Delivery
Part Receipt
Part Loan
Part Receipt and Delivery
Transfer to Customer Claim
Transfer to Other
Service Order Quotation
Maintenance Sales Quotation
Planned Activity
Field Change Order
Resend Call to Subcontractor
Create Non-Conformance Report
Link Non-Conformance Report
Unlink Non-Conformance Report
Call to be Invoiced
Billable Lines
Related Orders
Related Orders To
Related Orders From
View Call Tree
Transaction Log
Configuration Tree
Go To
Follow-up Call
Parent Call
Calls by
Sold-to Business Partner
Installation Group
History - Calls by
Call Number
Installation Group
Reported Problem
Sold-to Business Partner
Sold-to BP and Sold-to BP Call Number
Serialized Item
Service Orders by
Sold-to Business Partner
Installation Group
Planned Activities
Serialized Item Dashboard
Configuration Tree
Blocking Reason
Diagnostic Tree
Diagnostic Tree (Graphical)
Probability Analysis
Service Resolution - Probability Analysis
New BP
BP Times
Print Calls
Print Call Document
Print Transaction Log
Assign to me
Support Engineers
Reassign Calls Between
Support Departments
Create Invoice
Update Actual Time Left