Purchase-Budget Detail Line (tpptc4120s000)

Use this session to record the supplier details, purchase prices and status of the cost objects in the purchase budget.


The code that uniquely identifies the project.
The project's status.
Purchase Budget
The code that uniquely identifies the purchase budget.

Related topics

Purchase Budget
Purchase budget status.
Sequence No.
The code that uniquely identifies the sequence number.
Cost Type
The cost-type of the line.

Only the cost types, Materials, Equipment, or Subcontracting are applicable.

Allowed values

Cost Type

The item for the project.

This field is enabled only if the Cost Type field is set to Materials.

The code that uniquely identifies the cost object.

You can use the items of the following types:

  • Purchased
  • Manufactured
  • Cost
  • Service
  • Generic
Effectivity Unit
The effectivity unit code for the item linked to the purchase budget line.
The description or name of the code.
If the cost-type of the line is equipment or subcontracting, the budget line is shown here.

If you set the value to Equipment, based on the data specified in the Cost Type field, a corresponding equipment code can be selected. This is also applicable if you set the value to Subcontracting.

Reference Type
The type of the cost object.

Allowed values

  • Standard: This is a standard cost object.
  • Project: This is a project-specific cost object.

The value in this field is not displayed if the Cost Type field is set to Materials.

Buy-from Business Partner
The code that uniquely identifies the buy from business partner.

When you modify the data in this field, the application displays a message to confirmation the retrieval of the Price and Discount from the selected business partner.

The code that uniquely identifies the element.
The code that uniquely identifies the plan.
The code that uniquely identifies the activity.
The code that uniquely identifies the extension.
Cost Component
The code that uniquely identifies the cost component.

You can only specify a cost component for which the Component Type is set to Detail or Collect in the Cost Components (tcmcs0148m000) session.

The code that uniquely identifies the purchase contract.

This field is visible, only if the Order Management (TD) check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) and Contracts option is selected in the Procurement Parameters (tdpur0100m000) session.

Related topics

The line number from the purchase contract.
Line Status
The status of the purchase budget line determines which actions can be performed on it. You can only transfer lines with the status Approved to Procurement, using the Transfer Planned PRP Purchase Orders (tppss6230m000) session.

Allowed values

Line Status

  • You must select the Purchase Budget Line option in the Transfer Planned PRP Purchase Orders (tppss6230m000).
  • When Purchase Orders are generated for the approved Purchase Budget Lines, the status is set to Transferred and no changes can be made.
The code that uniquely identifies the unit.

Related topics

The code that uniquely identifies the unit.

Related topics

The purchase quantity.
The code that uniquely identifies the currency.

Related topics

The price of the items to be purchased.

The default price is determined using the price search mechanism.

The discount expressed in a percentage of the purchase price.
The purchase amount.
Transaction Date
The date of creation for the purchase specification.
Project Warehouse
The code that uniquely identifies the project warehouse.

Related topics

Purchase Office
The code that uniquely identifies the purchase office.
If this check box is selected, the purchase line has an associated text, which you can view by clicking the Text button on the toolbar.