To use project procedures

A project procedure includes various steps required to execute a project. You can apply and execute project procedures, such as updating budget status, generating control data and so on.

To execute and maintain a project, you must perform all the required project procedures from activating the project status to executing the maintenance procedures.

Creating and using project procedures:

LN allows you to execute different procedures while activating a project and to repeat certain procedures when the project is modified. You can maintain and execute the project procedures in the Project Procedures (tppdm6180m000) session and the procedure steps in the Project Procedural Steps (tppdm6182m000) session.

You can also specify a default procedure for a project using the Project Procedure field in the User Profiles (tppdm0101s000) session.

Project procedures can be executed automatically or manually. To execute the project procedure automatically, select the Automatic checkbox in the Project Procedural Steps (tppdm6182m000) session. You can also execute the procedure manually, as required. For example, to monitor the PRP orders before approval, the related order procedures such as Approve Planned PRP Purchase Orders and Approve Planned PRP Warehouse Orders can be manually executed and the other procedures can be set to 'Automatic'.

Project procedures when a project is active

When a project is set to Active for the first time, these procedures can be executed, if the Applicable check box for the procedure is selected:


When a project procedure is executed for the first time, LN updates the Status of the relevant procedure to Executed in the Procedure Status (tppdm6584m000) session.


To run the Budget Cost Analysis Versions (tpptc3500m000), the Generate Budget Cost Analysis (tpptc3200m000) session in the Project Budget Parameters (tpptc0100s000) session must be specified.

When a project is modified

During the execution of the project, you can modify the project by adding a new structure, a new budget line, add PRP orders, or add a reference activity to a service order and so on. LN allows you to repeat the execution of the required procedures whenever the above changes are made to the project. When a project procedure is repeated, LN updates the Status of the relevant procedure to Partial (if the procedure is partially executed) in the Procedure Status (tppdm6584m000) session.


If you add a new structure and link a maintenance activity, the project procedures from Update Budget Status of structures to Generate Service Orders must be executed again. The status of the next procedure is set to Partial indicating that the procedure must be repeated. When this procedure is executed, LN checks for the next project procedure that is set to Automatic. Note: LN repeats the cycle for all procedures that are set to Automatic.

When new budget lines are added to an existing structure

When you add a new budget to an existing structure in the project, after the budget lines are approved, these budgeting procedures are executed:

When PRP orders are manually generated

When you manually generate a PRP order for the project requirements, these order procedures are executed:

Project procedures for the maintenance of the project

When a project is completed, the maintenance activities can be performed for the project. For example, when you link a service order to a project, these procedures are executed to perform the maintenance activities for a project:

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