Contract lines data setup

Contract lines allow you to define and maintain additional information of the contract.

To access the Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000) session, you must define the following data on the contract line tab in the Contract (tpctm1600m000) session.

  • Create a contract line ID (alphanumeric code of 8 characters) and enter a description.
  • Enter the contract line amount.
  • Select the status of the contract line. Note: You can set the status of the contract line to Active, only if the status of the contract header is Active.
  • Select or define the Sold-to and Ship-to BP using the Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4510m000) and Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4511m000) sessions.
  • Specify the contract line execution level. The level indicates whether the contract is executed by you or is subcontracted.
  • LN defaults the contract type and project data from the Contract header.

Summary tab

  • Select the invoice type.
  • Select the invoicing method using the Invoicing Methods (tcmcs0555m000) session.
  • Enter the date on which the contract line is awarded.
  • Enter the effective date and expiry date of the contract line.
  • Enter the contract delivery date, that is the date the finished items are ready to be shipped.
  • LN defaults the following data from the Contract header:
    • Phase
    • Contract Type
    • Contract Currency
    • Exchange Rate Type
  • LN defaults the currency and exchange rate type data from the Contract header.

Selling tab

  • Define the ceiling amount, if any. Note: The ceiling amount is defined only for contracts of the type Cost Reimbursement and Time and Materials.
  • Define the markup percentage to calculate the sales price. Note: The percentage is defined only for contracts of the type Cost Reimbursement and Time and Materials.
  • LN defaults the Sold-to BP data from the Contract header.
  • Specify the Funded Amount and the Funding Distribution for the contract. Based on these funding limits, the maximum amount that can be invoiced to the customer is set.

References tab

  • Enter the customer order number and the names of the first and second reference.
  • Select or define the prime contractor using the Business Partners (tccom4500m000) session.
  • Enter the reference name of the prime contractor.
  • Select or define the Defense Priority Allocation System (DPAS) code using the DPAS (tcmcs0172m000) session. DPAS is used to provide priority rating for the contracts ( Example: defense orders). LN prioritizes orders for which priority rating is defined.

Shipping tab

  • Select or define the default delivery terms using the Delivery Terms (tcmcs0141m000) session.
  • Select or define the point of title passage using the Points of Title Passage (tcmcs0142m000) session.
  • Select or create the default carrier for the contract deliverables, using the Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0580m000) session.
  • LN defaults the Sold-to Business Partner data from the Contract header.

Invoicing tab

  • Select or define the invoice delivery method using the Invoice Delivery Methods (tcmcs0156m000) session.
  • Enter the percentage of discount on the invoice.
  • LN defaults the Invoice-to business partner data from the Contract header.

Tax tab

  • Define the tax classifications for the contract line using the Tax Classifications (tctax0116m000) session.
  • Select the Exempt checkbox, if tax exemption is applicable.
  • Select or define the tax country using the Countries (tcmcs0510m000) session.
  • Select or define the tax code using the Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000) session.
  • Select or define the BP tax country using the Countries (tcmcs0510m000) session.
  • Enter the tax certificate number issued by the tax authorities. When goods or services are purchased, the certificate number is provided to the supplier for tax exemption.
  • Select or define the reason for tax exemption using the Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session.

Paying tab

  • LN defaults the Pay-by Business Partner data from the Contract header.

Classification tab

  • Select or define the line of business using the Lines of Business (tcmcs0131m000) session.
  • Select or define the contract acquiring method using the Acquiring Methods (tppdm0140m000) session.
  • Select or define the financing method code for the contract using the Financing Methods (tppdm0139m000) session.
  • Select or define the geographical area to group business partners, customers, suppliers and employees using the Areas (tcmcs0145m000) session.
  • Select or define the category of the contract (a classification layer that is useful for sorting and grouping projects) using the Categories (tppdm0146m000) session.
  • Define the business sector for the contract, using the Business Sectors (tppdm0137m000) session.
  • Define the contract group using the Groups (tppdm0141m000) session. Groups are used for classifying and sorting contracts.