To register cost forecast

If you want to see cost forecast on your project use either cost objects or cost types:

  • If you use cost objects, you can maintain the cost forecast for all cost objects related to elements and activities and use the forecast in the Control Inquiries (tpppc4850m000) session, the Display Financial Analysis (tppss0701m000) session, and the Generate Interim Results (tpppc3250m000) session.
  • If you use cost types, you can only maintain the cost forecast for activities, and use the forecast in the Performance Measurement (tpppc5840m000) session and the Performance Measurement using EVM (tppss0702m000) session.

How you register the cost forecast depends on the leading forecast method, which you defined in the Project Accounting Parameters (tpppc0100s000) session. Use a forecasting method to predict changes to the budget, or to predict extra unit costs or to predict the total project cost. These forecasts are displayed in performance measurement and monitoring.

In the following procedures, generate forecast is performed with the Generate Cost Forecast by Cost Object (tpppc2216m000) session or the Generate Cost Forecast Input by Activity/Cost type (tpppc2226m000) session. The following check boxes can be found in the mentioned sessions and are referred to in the forecast procedures:

  • Generate Empty Forecast
  • Generate from Previous Date
  • Generate from Budget

To see the procedure for the leading forecast method, see Estimate-at-completion (EAC), Estimate-to-complete (ETC), and Estimated-extra-cost (EEC).