Order Block Planning by Plan Board (tisfc1152m000)

Use this session to display the order-block planning data on a graphical planning board.

To start this session, first start the Select Data for Order Sequencing Plan Board (tisfc1151m000) session.


This graphical planning board is available only in the WebTop client.

How to use the plan board

When you start the plan board, the plan board displays one bar for each machine and each order-block period within the selection range.

To change the view

The following table describes how you can change what information the plan board displays.

In order to...Do this...
View all the order blocks of a machine and order-block period without changing the time scale.Click on the arrow point in the Machine / Order Block Period / Block Sequence Number column.
Zoom in on a machine and order-block period and view all related order blocks.Double-click the combination of machine and order block period in the Machine / Order Block Period / Block Sequence Number column.
Display ToolTips with additional details.Point to the codes of the machine and order block periods in the Machine / Order Block Period / Block Sequence Number column or point to the graphical bars.
Start the Production Orders by Block (tisfc0152m000) session.Double-click an order-block.
View the order blocks in the sequence as the order blocks were originally generated.

On the Specific menu, click View by Original Block Number

In this view, you cannot modify the sequence.

View the order blocks in the current sequence.

On the Specific menu, click View by Block Sequence Number

In this view, you can modify the sequence.


To manipulate order blocks

The following table describes how you can manipulate the order blocks in the plan board.

In order to...Do this...
Modify the start date and end date of an order block.

Drag the order block to an earlier or later date.

Note: This action does not adjust the start dates and end dates of the other order blocks.

Reschedule the order blocks that come after the order block you just moved to an earlier or later date, without changing the relative order of the order blocks.
  1. Select the order block where the rescheduling action must start.
  2. On the Specific menu, click Reschedule Order Blocks.

The order blocks before the selected order block are left unchanged. The currently selected order block's start time is the starting point of the rescheduling action. LN also reschedules the order blocks after the selected order block.

LN takes the applicable calendar into account.

Reschedule all order blocks, without changing the relative order of the order blocks.
  1. Make sure that none of the order blocks is selected.
  2. On the Specific menu, click Reschedule Order Blocks.

The start date of the order block period is the starting point of the rescheduling action. LN reschedules all the order blocks.

LN takes the applicable calendar into account.

Modify the relative order (sequence) of the order blocks.
  1. Drag the order blocks to an earlier or later position in such a way that the start times of the order blocks correspond with the desired sequence.
  2. On the Specific menu, click Recalculate Block Sequence Numbers and Reschedule.


None of the actions you execute in this plan board have any effect on the actual planned orders in the Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) session and the Production Planning (tisfc0110m000) session, until you update the standard planning data.

To update the standard planning data

To update the standard planning data for all order blocks that belong to a machine and order block period, take the following steps:

  1. Select the bar for the machine and order block period.
  2. On the Specific menu, click Update Standard Planning.

If you click Update Standard Planning after you selected the bar for a specific order block, LN updates the actual planning data for that order block and all subsequent order blocks that belong to the same machine and order block period.

Sequence of production orders and operations

LN schedules the production orders in an order block according to the value of the originally planned finish date of the relevant operation.

If you reschedule an operation, LN reschedules the other operations of the same production order according to the setting of the following parameters in the Default Production Order Data (tisfc0102m000) session:

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