Process Variables (tirpt4112m000)

Use this session to manage process variable for repetitive manufacturing.


Production Schedule
The schedule ID.
Schedule Line
The schedule line for which the process variables are defined.

You can select the schedule lines from the Production Schedule Lines (tirpt4102m000) session.

Work Cell
The work cell ID to which the schedule line is linked.
Work Station
The work station to which the process variable applies.

You can select the work station from the Schedule Line Work Stations (tirpt4111m000) session.

Planned Quantity to Inspect
The number of items that must be inspected at the selected work station for the schedule line.
Process Variable
The process variable linked to the schedule line and work station.
The target value of the process variable.
Lower Limit
The lower limit of the process variable as an absolute value.
Upper Limit
The upper limit of the process variable as an absolute value.
Lower Tolerance
The lower limit of the process variable as a percentage.
Upper Tolerance
The upper limit of the process variable as a percentage.
Inspection Description
The description of the inspection method.