Report Schedule Line Completed (tirpt4102m400)

Use this session to to report completed on a schedule line.


Serial Number
Specify the serial number of the quantity reported.

Only valid serial numbers can be reported completed. Serial numbers that are not valid are rejected.

Quantity Ordered
The quantity ordered.
Specify the quantity to register as completed.
Total Completed
The total quantity reported completed on the schedule line.
Specify the quantity rejected during production.
Total Rejected
The total quantity rejected during production for the schedule line.
Quantity to Backflush
The quantity to backflush.
Quantity Backflushed
The produced quantity for which materials are backflushed.
Lot Code
Specify the lot code for the quantity reported.

You cannot report quantities from two different lots completed at the same time.

LOT1 must be reported complete and sent to inventory before you can start on LOT2.

Line status.

Allowed values

  • Lagging
  • On Schedule
  • Early
Transfer Quantity
The quantity of finished product that must be transferred to the receiving warehouse from the work cell.
The warehouse where the products are received.

The receiving warehouse is defined in the production model.