Archive/Delete Projects (tipcs2260m000)

Use this session to archive the project data after closing the project.

The archived project data from the original file is deleted, including the project code in the Projects (tipcs2101m000) session. The code is retained in case the In-Service check box in the General Projects (tcmcs0552m000) is selected, for the use of the project's customized items by Service.


If a main project is archived, all sub-projects are archived first.


Original Company
The name of the company from which the data must be archived.
Archive-to Company
The name of the archive company to which the data is transferred.
  • This is a display field.
  • The company is defined in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session.
Calculation Group
A code representing a group of projects the user uses to compare financial data.

You can assign a calculation group to:

  • A budget
  • A main project (as long as the calculation group is not assigned to another project or single project)
  • A single project (as long as the calculation group is not assigned to another main project or single project)
The project that must be archived.
Upto Closing Date
The date up to which selected projects are archived.
The type of action performed on the data.

Allowed values

Delete, Archive

Archive General Data
If this check box is selected, general data is archived, before the project data.

If this check box is cleared, general data is not archived. The project data is archived immediately. This, may cause errors if project data was not archived recently.


It is recommended that you archive projects on a regular basis.

Project Structure
If this check box is selected, the project structure data, for example BOM, routings, project parts and the project structure for each customized item and project is archived.
Project Calculation
If this check box is selected, the project calculation data, that is, operation rates, subcontracting rates, standard cost surcharges, general project costs, and standard cost structure for each customized item and project, is archived to or retrieved from the archives.
Project Master Schedule
If this check box is selected, the project master schedule data is archived to, or retrieved from the archives.

Master data includes: activities, activity relationships, Enterprise Planning and the hours spent for each week and each activity.

Project History
If this check box is selected, the project history, that is, production order data, production order costing data, hours accounting, purchase orders, purchase receipts, sales orders, sales deliveries, service orders, RRP warehouse orders, and customized item-related inventory transactions, is archived.
Financial Project Data
If this check box is selected, the financial project data, that is, the financial project transactions and the chart of accounts for those transactions, is archived.
If this check box is selected, texts are archived.
Overwrite Text
If this check box is selected, the existing text is overwritten.