Manufacturing Control (MFC)

The Manufacturing Control (MFC) module contains the planned and actual as-built structures of serialized end items in JSC and ASC.

The Manufacturing Control (MFC) module provides easy to use dashboards and stores the as-build structures of production and assembly orders.

These dashboards are available:

  • Items dashboard

    From this the following sessions can be accessed for an item selected on the screen:

    • Bill of Material
    • The items wherein the item is used
    • The routings of th item
    • The alternative items
    • The related engineering revisions
    • The business partners that supply the item
    • Production orders
    • Purchase orders
    • Purchase schedules

    Other data is available in the dashboard for a selected item, such as:

    • Item signal
    • Inventory on hand
    • The time phased inventory presented in graphical mode.
  • Work center dashboard:

    From this the following session can be accessed for a work center selected on the screen:

    • Utilization by week
    • Utilization by day
    • Input/output control
    • Resource order plan
    • Tool requests
    • The processes that can be started from this dashboard:

      • Build utilization
      • Generate input/output control
      • Request/return tools

    Other data available in the dashboard for a selected work center such as:

    • Basic week capacity
    • Number of operators
    • Number of machines