Material issue parameters

The following fields and parameters influence the way LN issues materials:

  • Floor Stock
    Determines whether the material is floor stock. The Floor Stock check box is located in the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session.
  • Backflush Materials
    Determines that LN issues material through backflushing. You can find this parameter in the Items - Production (tiipd0101m000) session. For more information refer to Set up backflushing.
  • Manual Issuing
    Determines whether you need to manually specify the material quantity that must be issued. For more information, refer to Material issue setup.
  • Direct Initiate Inventory Issue
    Determines whether material is automatically unblocked in the warehouse after the production order is released. For more information, refer to Releasing material.
  • Direct Proc Wh Order Line
    Determines whether the warehouse procedure is carried out automatically when you issue material. For more information, refer to Automatic processing warehouse order lines.