Multicurrency aspects of cost calculation

  • Single currency system

    All prices, rates, and surcharges are defined and posted in the currency of the logistic company.

  • Independent currency system

    The financial companies and the logistic companies in the group operate in two or three currencies. As a result, the costing data must be entered in all the currencies. The exchange rate on that day is used to enter the data. If the exchange rate changes, this does not affect the data already entered. The standard cost, valuation price, and sales price are calculated in each of the currencies.

  • Dependent currency system

    In the dependent currency system, multiple currencies can be used in the same logistic company. For most entities, the financial company determines the currency used. If the master data is not linked to a financial company, the currency must be entered. You must define a currency for the following entities:

    • Item
    • Item group
    • Operation rates
    • Subcontracting rates
    • Simulated purchase prices

    The standard cost is expressed in the currency of the item. Parts of the standard cost may have been calculated in a different currency. The amounts are recalculated to the item currency by using the internal exchange rate, valid at the moment of calculation.

    The valuation price is expressed in the currency of the item. These prices change if:

    • The costing structure changes
    • The internal exchange rate changes