Delivery of finished products

Delivering finished items into inventory

After a quantity of a product of a production order has been completed, you can post the quantity to inventory. You need not wait to add products until all items in a production order have been finished. Posting is usually carried out when produced items are stored in a warehouse.

You can do this in the following sessions:

  • Report Orders Completed (tisfc0520m000)
  • Report Orders Completed Globally (tisfc0206m000)
  • Report Production Orders Completed from Production Schedule (tirpt1502m000)
  • Report Production Schedules Completed (tirpt1201m000)
Warehousing orders

LN handles the delivery of the products by means of warehousing orders. These warehousing orders determine the inbound procedure that you must follow. You can specify the lot, select a warehouse location, and process inspection orders, depending on the inbound procedure.


The delivery of FAS items is not handled via warehousing orders. The produced items remain part of the work-in-process (WIP), until you deliver the items to the customer in the Sales Control module. However, FAS items which are customized are handled via warehousing orders.

Maximum and minimum quantity

The quantity reported completed in the last operation limits the quantity that you can post to inventory. If you post a higher quantity, the you can adjust the quantity reported completed in the operations, depending on the Reporting Method for Previous Operations field in the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session.

Results of posting products

When you post a quantity of a product to inventory, LN carries out the following actions:

  • The actual inventory of the item is increased.
  • The on-order inventory for the item is reduced.
  • The work in process is decreased.
  • Backflushing is initiated (if applicable), but only if the production order has no operations.
  • If you use an actual costing method for the inventory valuation of the main item, the production results are stored in Warehousing as inventory variances.