Contents of order documents

General remarks

If you select the Material List check box, the Material Issue Note check box, or the Check List check box in the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session, the (estimated) materials for a specific order are printed on respectively material lists, material issue notes, and checklists. If the Print Outbound Data on Checklist check box, the Print Outbound Data on Material List check box, or the Print Outbound Data on Material Issue Note check box is selected in the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session, outbound data is printed on respectively checklists, material lists, and material issue notes. Outbound data refers to information about warehouse locations, lots, dates, and quantities of materials for a specific production order.

The documents also indicate if the materials have already been delivered.

If an order document has been printed before, the header indicates whether it is a duplicate or a modified document.

Contents of order documents