Allowed values
Serial End Item - As-Built Headers (timfc0110m000)Use this session to maintain and display the serialized end items built in the Assembly Control module or the Job Shop Control (JSC) module. For every individual serialized item of an assembly order or a production order a line is present in this session. For example, for an ordered quantity of six items, six lines are present in this session, each line having a serial number that is a unique identification of a single physical item. An example of a serial number is the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of a car. If you select an item in this session, and you click As-Built Components from the appropriate menu, the serialized components of each serialized end item are displayed in the Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000) session. The serialized end item and its serialized components form together the as-built structure, which enables you to track order data, and to investigate which components are in each individual end item. Job Shop Control The moment you can display the as-built structure of a serialized item produced in Job Shop Control depends on the Generate Serial Numbers field in the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session. At various moments, you can enable LN to generate serial numbers based on a mask. If the mask is not present, you must insert serial numbers manually. Assembly Control (ASC) Serial numbers can be generated when you have confirmed the line sequence in Assembly Control. You can then display the as-built structure of the item. Note You can only delete an as-built serial item if the serial status is Created.
Order Type Specify the type of order. Allowed values Production / Assembly Order The production, assembly order or production schedule for which
the serialized item is produced. Schedule Position The position number of the line in the production schedule. Item The parent item for which the serialized item is
derived. Item Type A classification of items used to identify if the item is, for
example, a purchased item, a manufactured item, or an equipment item. Depending
on the item's type, certain functions will only apply to that item. Allowed values Revision A version or revised version of an engineering item (E-item) or
a revision-controlled item, that is, an item linked to an E-item. Several
revisions of an E-item can exist. Example E-item: Mountain bike E-MB01
Quantity Ordered The order quantity to be
produced. The estimates of materials and hours are based on this
quantity. If no routing or date has been entered yet, the calendar is based on the default routing and 100% utilization. If you are using production order distribution when you alter the value of the current field, the value of the Quantity Ordered field in the Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000) session for each of the effectivity units will be altered so that their total is the same as the value of the current field, and the quantity is evenly distributed between each of the effectivity units. When a distribution is present the quantity ordered is controlled by the sum of the quantity ordered for the distribution lines. Operation for Rejects Specify the operation for which serials are Rejected from the production order when you click Set to 'Rejected'. Serial Number The unique identification of a single physical item. LN uses a mask to generate
the serial number. The serial number can consist of multiple data segments that
represent, for example, a date, model and color information, sequence number,
and so on. Serial numbers can be generated for items and for tools. Lot Code A number of items produced and stored together that are
identified by a (lot) code. Lots identify goods. Effectivity Unit A reference number, for example a sales order line or a project
deliverable line, that is used to model deviations for a unit effective item. Serial Status The status of the end item's serial number. Allowed values Rejected At Operation View the number of the operation specified in the Operation for Rejects field at which serials are
removed from the production order. Valid If this check box is selected, the as-built structure is complete. An
as-built structure is complete when serial numbers are present for serialized
components, and lot numbers for lot-controlled (serialized) items. LN automatically
checks the completeness of the as-built structure when the serial status
changes (manually or automatically) from Created or Rejected to Assigned. If an as-built structure is not valid, you cannot copy the as-built structure to an as-maintained structure in the Create Physical Breakdown Structure (tscfg2210m000) session. Furthermore, if the Check as-built serials field in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session is Warn or Block, the item cannot be shipped. Rework Order If a rework order exists for the serialized item, this field
displays the rework order number.
As-Built Components LN starts
the Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000) session. In this session you can
display the components of the serialized item. Generate Serial Numbers If you click this button, LN generates serial
numbers for the items produced for the assembly order. Validate Click to check if the as-built structure is complete. An
as-built structure is complete when serial numbers are present for serialized
components, and lot numbers for lot-controlled (serialized) items. An as-built
structure is incomplete when serial numbers and/or lot numbers are
missing. Multilevel View Start the graphical browser framework to see the as-build tree
for the selected serialized item. Set to 'Assigned' Change the status of the serial number to assigned. Set to 'Rejected' Change the status of the serial number to rejected. Physical Breakdown View the breakdown for the physical components of the
serialized item. Print As-Built Header Starts the Print As-Built Header (timfc0410m000) session.
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