Print Items - Production (tiipd0401m000)

Use this session to print item-production data.


From Item
The item from which you want to print item-production data.
Item Type
The item type from which you want to print item-production data.

Related topics

Item Group
The item group from which you want to print item-production data.
Search Key I
Enter the item's search key.

Related topics

Product Type
User-definable item grouping data that is used as a sorting and selecting criterion. The product type is intended for classifying items with similar characteristics for production purposes.
Product Class
User-definable item grouping data that is used to distinguish between different groups of items in a product line. The product class is mainly used as a selection criterion for reporting.
Product Line
A group of products made by the same producer, that are similar but differ in details such as, size, shape, color, and so on. User-definable item grouping data, mainly used as an item selection criterion for reporting.
Apply Additional Selection Ranges
If this check box is selected, you can select one or more detail options to be printed.
The employee of your company who is the contact to the concerned buy-from business partner. The buyer is also known as the purchasing agent.
The employee or department responsible for planning the production, purchase and distribution of items. The planner takes into account the inventory levels, availability of materials, and capacities of resources, and reacts on signals such as rescheduling messages that LN generates.
Shop Floor Planner
The person responsible for printing, (re)scheduling and releasing production orders and managing workloads.
Routing Group
A group of items with similar routing attributes, for example, the same work center, routing operation, BOM, and so on. A routing group is defined by the user as a selection criterion for production orders.
Item Production Text
If this check box is selected, any text related to the production of the item is printed.
General Item Text
If this check box is selected, any general text present for the item is printed.
Print Language for Texts
The language in which the texts must be printed.
Bill of Material
If this check box is selected, the bills of material of the selected items are printed.
If this check box is selected, the backflushing data is printed.

Related topics

If this check box is selected, the routing data of the range of item(s) is printed.
If this check box is selected, the repetitive data of the range of production items is printed.
Sorted By
Specify the sequence in which the selected item data is printed.