Possible values

  • In-design

    The initial status of the revision.

  • Frozen

    You can no longer change the design of the revision.

    You can still reset the revision status to In-design.

  • Approved by Engineering

    The design of the revision has passed its first approval step. Typically, the person responsible for the design is permitted to change the status to Approved by Engineering.

    You can still reset the revision status to In-design.

    Before you can copy a revision to a production item or to a production bill of material, the revision status must be set to Approved by Production.

  • Approved by Production

    The design of the revision has passed its final approval. Typically, the person responsible for production is permitted to change the status to Approved by Production.

    The revision can now be copied to a production item or to a production bill of material.

    You can no longer change the design or reset the revision status to an earlier status.

  • Canceled

    The revision is no longer used.