Stations - Line Segments (tiasl1551m000)

Use this session to list all line stations and line buffers that are defined, in multi-occurrence mode, in the Assembly Line Scheduling module.


A line station or a buffer that is linked to the line segment.
Line Segment
The segment that contains the station. Assembly lines are composed of a series of line segments. Line segments begin with a buffer that is followed by one or more line stations.
Next Station
The line station after the station in the previous field; the next line station on the current assembly line.
Segment of next station
A set of consecutive assembly-line work centers on an assembly line between two buffers. The first buffer is the beginning of the segment, the next buffer is the first part of the next segment.
Effective Date
The first date on which the station is valid in this line segment.
Expiry Date
The last date on which the station is valid in this line segment.
Station Type
The station type on this line segment.

List values:

  • Line Station
  • Buffer

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