Line Segments (tiasl1540m000)

Assembly lines are composed of a series of segments. Segments are in turn composed of a buffer and one or more line stations, until the next buffer.


Use this session to display or edit the employee (segment planner) responsible for planning a particular line segment.


Line Segment
A set of consecutive assembly-line work centers on an assembly line between two buffers. The first buffer is the beginning of the segment, the next buffer is the first part of the next segment.
Segment Planner
The employee responsible for the segment.
Segment Lead Time Offset
The Segment Lead Time Offset is replicated from Configurator.
Segment Lead Time Offset Unit
The Segment Lead Time Offset Unit is replicated from Configurator.


Click to start the Line Segment - Stations (tiasl1550m000) session.
Line Rules
Click to start the Line Segment - Line Rules (tiasl1571m000) session.
Exchangeable Configurations
Line Sequences
Remix/Sequence Parameters
Click to start the Remix/Sequence Parameters (tiasl4110m000) session.