Line Station - Assembly Part Supply Transfer (Batch) (tiasc8510m000)

Use this session to view transfers of assembly parts for which you have selected Order Controlled / Batch in the Supply System field of the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2510m000) details session.


Line Station
The line station for which you want to view transfers of assembly parts for which you have selected Order Controlled / Batch in the Supply System field of the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.
TransferOrder/Position/Seq. Number
The transfer order number on the warehouse order, or on the purchase schedule.

The meaning of the number depends on the supply method that is used:

  • Internal supply The warehouse transfer order that is used by Warehousing to transfer materials to the job shop.
  • External supply The purchase schedule number that is used to order the materials.
Transfer Order/Position
The assembly parts position number on the warehouse order, which is for internal supply, or on the purchase schedule, which is for external supply.
If this check box is selected, the supply messages are transferred to Warehousing or Purchase Control.
Assembly Order
The assembly order that requires the parts.
Reference Number
Reference numbers are used in conjunction with external supply methods. Therefore, this field remains blank in the case of internal supply methods. In order-controlled batch, a unique reference number is created for each material line. The reference number is sent along with the purchase schedules to the suppliers and is also printed on the advanced shipping notice (ASN) that is sent back from the supplier. The reference number can also be used when receipts are entered.
Planned Requirement Date
The date when the parts are required.
The assembly line on which the parts are required.
Line Station
The line station to which the job shop warehouse that receives the parts belongs.
Supply Type
Based on the Supply System field of the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.
If this check box is selected, the supply messages could not be transferred to Warehousing or Purchase Control, Check the error messages to find out why the transfer was rejected.
Assembly Part
The assembly part which is transferred.
Transfer Quantity
The quantity of assembly parts that must be transferred from the external supplier or warehouse to the shop-floor warehouse.

The batch quantity that is required, is rounded up to the nearest mulitple of the value in the Order Quantity Increment field in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.

The unconsumed portion of a batch.

A batch of parts is ordered anonymously for a range of assembly orders. Every time you run the Replenish Shop Floor Warehouse (tiasc8210m000) session, which is usually run with triggers, LN checks which order-control batch items must be ordered. If a batch has already been ordered for the item in question, LN does not order a new batch, but instead consumes the remaining batch quantity. If the batch has been entirely consumed, a new batch is ordered. The balance quantity may decrease when you run the Replenish Shop Floor Warehouse (tiasc8210m000) session.

Quantity Received
The quantity of the purchase order received in the job shop warehouse.
The status of the supply process. The status has either respect to the supply request, or to the required parts.

If the supply messages are not yet transferred, or the transfer is rejected, the messages have the Created status.

If the supply messages are transferred, the following statuses are possible:

  • Not Received The parts are not yet received in the job shop warehouse.
  • Partially Received Some of the parts are received, but not all.
  • Received All parts are received.

Batch supply messages can not have the statuses Canceled or Modified, because LN does not cancel or update batch messages.


Transfer AP Supply Messages
Use this command to transfer order controlled batch messages from ASC, by means of the Transfer Assembly Part Supply Messages (tiasc8220m000) session.
Update Balance Quantity
Use this command if you manually want to update the balance quantity for order controlled batch message that have the status Created.