Close Assembly Orders (tiasc7210m000)

Use this session to set the status of a range of assembly orders to Closed.


Assembly Line
A set of consecutive line stations in which FAS (Final Assembly Schedule) items are manufactured. The items are manufactured by passing the items from line station to line station and by carrying out operations at each line station. An assembly line is subdivided into a number of line segments separated by buffers. An assembly line can be either a main line or a supplying line.
Planned Offline Date
The date when an assembly item is planned to roll off the assembly line.

Initially, the planned offline date equals the requested offline date, but the planned offline date can be changed later for planning reasons.

Assembly Order
The assembly orders that are closed.


Close Orders
Click to change the status of a range of assembly orders to Closed.
Click to display error messages, such as line station orders whose requirements have not been backflushed or WIP transfers that cannot be created.