Assembly BOM and Operations (tiapl2120s000)

Use this session to view and maintain the assembly parts, operations, and line stations that are required for a specific engineering module.


Engineering Module
The code of the engineering module for which the required assembly parts and operations are displayed in this session.
Position Number
The position number of the line that contains the flattened assembly parts and operations in the current session.

By default, LN shows the last position number used, plus 10. This procedure provides the sequence 10, 20, 30, and so on. The numbering of positions is unrestricted.

Sequence Number
The sequence number is a subdivision of the position number.

You can use sequence numbers to create a variant of a record, for example with another reference date or exception.

Effective Date
The date on which the displayed information, such as assembly part, quantity, and so on, becomes effective for the selected engineering module.
  • Effectivity overlap is permitted.
  • The Effective Date must fall before the Expiry Date.
  • If an exception is used, the information is effective if both the date range and the exception are valid.
Expiry Date
The date until which the displayed information, such as assembly part, quantity, and so on, is effective for the selected engineering module.
  • Effectivity overlap is permitted.
  • The Effective Date must fall before the Expiry Date.
  • If an exception is used, the information is effective if both the date range and the exception are valid.
Standard Configuration
If this check box is selected, the displayed information is part of the standard configuration. The standard configuration defines which assembly parts, operations, and so on must always be used, for this engineering module, unless an exception overrules the standard configuration.
Exceptions Present
If this check box is selected, an exception is linked to the displayed information.

You cannot select or clear this check box, but you must select an exception in the Exceptions (tcuef0105m000) session. Click Exceptions to zoom to that session.

If this check box is not selected, the Standard Configuration check box is selected.

Assembly Part
The assembly part that is used for the selected engineering module.

The following conditions apply to the assembly part:

  • The Item Type must be Manufactured or Purchased
  • The item planning data must be present. Refer to the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session for information about this data.
The revision of the assembly part.
Net Quantity
The number of assembly parts required for the selected module.

Zero is not allowed.

The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.

Print on Order Document
If this check box is selected, the assembly part is printed on the work instructions.
Link with EDM
If this check box is selected, the assembly BOM is linked to an engineering BOM.
Floor Stock
If this check box is selected, the assembly part is a floor stock item.

Floor stock items are little and cheap items that are often used on the job shop, such as screws. Floor stock items are not included in the order content. Therefore, no transactions, such as backflushing, are performed on these items. Floor stock items are also not considered in the assembly parts requirements calculation.

However, floor stock items are handled as part of the order content, although even now no transactions are performed on these items, if you print them on the order documents (work instructions). Assembly parts are printed on the order document, if the Print on Order Document check box is selected in the current session.

Items can be stored as floor stock if:

  • The items' associated inventory carrying costs are low.
  • The items are present in the job shop.
  • Issues cannot be entered manually.

The only supply system for floor stock items is KANBAN. The supply system can be selected in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2510m000) session, on the Line Supply tab.

If this check box is selected, a text is present for this BOM line.
The code of the operation required in the selected engineering module.
Assembly Line
The code of the assembly line on which the assembly part is required and the operation is performed.

The assembly line must exist in the company of the flattened assembly part.

Line Segment
The code of the line segment on which the assembly part is required, and the operation is performed.
Line Station
The code of the line station where the assembly part is required, and the operation is performed.