Financial Budgeting System

The Financial Budgeting System registers, handles, and monitors all budget amounts and quantities necessary for planning by ledger account or dimension. This allows the planning of overhead costs of cost centers and other dimension types.

The Financial Budgeting System supports the performance dependency of costs to achieve flexible budgets. Rates and surcharges are calculated using dimension, cost type, and cost driver. The calculated rates and surcharges can be exported to the Standard Cost Calculation and Project Control.

The budget data, amounts, and quantities are used in various places within Financials:

  • in Cash Management as input for the cash flow forecast
  • in Cost Accounting for allocation and analysis
  • in the General Ledger for analysis of the difference between actuals and budget figures
  • in Financial Statements.

You can:

  • Maintain and set up separate hierarchies for ledger accounts and dimensions
  • Analyse budget deviations
  • Define cost type budgets, cost center budgets, and revenue budgets per sales region
  • Create budgets per year and import data, either manually or electronically, for budgets
  • Define budgets bottom-up or top-down
  • Delete or archive budgets