To process monthly billing invoices


If you selected the Generate MBI at Group Company check box in the ACR Parameters (tfacr0100s000) session, you must work in the group company to process monthly billing invoices

Step 1. Generate Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr4201m000)

Use this session to generate the monthly billing invoices based on the open entries of the following document types:

  • Sales Invoice
  • Sales Credit Note
  • Advance Receipt
  • Unallocated Receipt
  • Normal Receipt
  • Purchase Invoice
  • Payment Difference
  • Debit Note created during a remittance process

For each monthly billing invoice, LN calculates the statement amount as follows:

Statement amount = amount billed in current period - (amount received + written off  payment differences + return and discount amount +  amount settled with purchase invoice)

To generate monthly billing invoices, the following composing criteria apply:

  • The invoice-to business partner
  • The invoice currency
  • The invoice document dates, which must fall in the period for which you generate the monthly billing invoice.

For example, if you use two invoice currencies for a business partner for which you generate monthly billing invoices, LN generates two monthly billing invoices for the business partner, one for each currency.

If any invoices of the invoice-to business partner are factored, LN only includes the invoices with document dates in the current period. All receipt transactions are ignored.

Step 2. Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr4501m000)

Use this session to view and maintain the generated monthly billing invoices.

In the details session, you can enter or change monthly billing invoice details if no invoices are linked to the monthly billing invoice and the monthly billing invoice status is Generated. For example, you need to do this if you create a monthly billing invoice manually.

To view and select or deselect the included invoices, on the appropriate menu, you can click Open Entries Linked to MBI. The Open Entries Linked to MBI (tfacr4502m000) session starts.

Step 3. Open Entries Linked to MBI (tfacr4502m000) (Optional)

You can use this session to view and maintain the invoices linked to the monthly billing invoice. LN lists the invoices of the monthly billing invoice as well as any other open entries with document dates in the period covered by the monthly billing invoice.

If the monthly billing invoice status is Generated, you can select or clear the Selected check box to add or remove open entries from the monthly billing invoice. For example, you need to add invoices if you create a monthly billing invoice manually.

Step 4. Confirm monthly billing invoices

Depending on the number of monthly billing invoices you want to confirm, do one of the following:

  • To confirm a single monthly billing invoice
    In the Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr4501m000) session, select the monthly billing invoice and on the appropriate menu, click Confirm MBI. (This command is also available in the details session.) LN sets the monthly billing invoice status to Confirmed.
  • To confirm a range of monthly billing invoices
    Use the Confirm Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr4201m100) session.

Note: You cannot confirm a monthly billing invoice if previous monthly billing invoices for the same business partner and currency exist that still have the Generated status.

Step 5. Print Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr4401m000)

To print draft invoices that you can check, you can select the Draft Print check box.

If the monthly billing invoice status is Confirmed, you can print a final invoice. LN sets the monthly billing invoice status to Printed. Because the monthly billing invoices replace the original invoices, LN marks all the linked invoices as ready for deletion.

If the monthly billing invoice status is Printed, you cannot change the status. However, you can reprint the final invoice, if necessary.

Step 6. Archive / Delete Fully Paid Sales Invoices (tfacr2260m000)

Remove fully paid invoices from the open item file. Invoices that are linked to monthly billing invoices with the Printed status are removed.

Step 7. Remove Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr2261m000)

Use this session to archive and/or delete monthly billing invoices that have the Printed or the Deleted status. If the status is Printed, you must first run the Archive / Delete Fully Paid Sales Invoices (tfacr2260m000) session to remove the invoices linked to the monthly billing invoice.

During the process, the monthly billing invoice status changes. For details, refer to Monthly billing invoice status.

To create monthly billing invoices manually

In addition to generating monthly billing invoices, you can also manually create monthly billing invoices in the Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr4501m000) session mentioned in Step 2. In the Open Entries Linked to MBI (tfacr4502m000) session mentioned in Step 3, you can select the open entries for the monthly billing invoice. The same rules described previously apply and from Step 3, the procedure is the same.