Procurement card processing

Procurement card payments processing
Step 1. Import Requisitions and Statements (tfacp2255m000)

Use this session to:

  • Import an XML file of procurement card statements that you received from your bank.
  • Import an XML file of purchase requisitions prepared by E-Procurement or another external procurement application.

You must specify the pathname of the file to be imported. During import, LN creates procurement card statements or purchase requisitions based on the imported data.

Step 2. Purchase Requisitions (tfacp2528m000)

View and correct an imported purchase requisition, or enter the purchase requisitions manually. If you imported a purchase requisition, you must check the Matching Line field that displays the matching line.

Step 3. Procurement Card Statements (tfacp1520m000)

View and correct an imported procurement card statement, or enter procurement card statements manually.

Step 4. Credit Card Statement - Lines (tfacp1521m000)

View and correct the imported procurement card statement lines, or enter procurement card statement lines. If you imported a procurement card statement, you must check the Line Description field that displays the matching line.

If you selected the Automatic Matching check box in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session and the line type is Purchase Requisition, LN tries to match the procurement card statement line to the requisition lines when you save the line.

If there are no errors, LN adds the matched lines to the Matched Procurement Card Statement Lines to Purchase Requistion (tfacp2527m000) session, and sets the status of the statement line and the related requisitions to Matched.

If the line type is Past Adjustments or Others, the status of statement line is set to Matched when you save the line.

You can now:

  • Automatically match the procurement card statement to purchase requisitions. All the lines of the statement that can be matched, will be matched. Go to Step 5.
  • Manually match individual procurement card statement lines or selected lines to purchase requisitions. The procurement card statement status is set to Matched if all the lines are matched. Go to Step 7.
Step 5. Generate statement lines

If the procurement card statement does not contain lines, in the Credit Card Statement - Lines (tfacp1521m000) session you can, on the appropriate menu, click Generate and Match lines. LN generates statement lines based on the purchase requisition that have the Created status and of which the requisition date is earlier than the procurement card statement date. The generated lines are then matched to the requisitions. Continue with approving the matched procurement card statements as described in Step 13.

Step 6. Match the procurement card statement

To match the procurement card statement, on the appropriate menu of the Procurement Card Statements (tfacp1520m000) session, click one of the following commands:

  • Match. LN matches all statement lines to Matched if the Matching Line field matches the matching line of the purchase requisition, and the statement line amount is equal to the purchase requisition amount. If a tax amount is present, the tax amount of the statement line must be equal to the purchase requisition tax amount.
  • Match/Approve/Invoice Statements. The Match/Approve Procurement Card Statements (tfacp2220m000)) session starts. To match the statements, select the Match check box and click Generate Transactions. To automatically match, approve, and invoice the statements at once, you can select the Match check box, the Approve check box, and the Invoice check box.

If errors occur, you can view the error log file as described in Step 9. You must solve the errors and match the statements again, or match the statement lines as described in Step 7 and Step 8.

Step 7. Manually match statement lines

To manually match individual procurement card statement lines, on the appropriate menu of the Procurement Card Statements (tfacp1520m000) session, click Lines. The Credit Card Statement - Lines (tfacp1521m000) session starts.

Step 8. Match the line or lines

To match the line or lines, on the appropriate menu of the Credit Card Statement - Lines (tfacp1521m000) session, click one of the following commands:

  • Generate and Match lines. LN generates statement lines based on the purchase requisition that have the Created status. The generated lines are then matched to the requisitions. Use this command if the procurement card statement does not contain lines.
  • Match All Statment Lines. LN sets all statement lines to Matched if the matching line in the Line Description field matches the matching line of the purchase requisition, and the statement line amount is equal to the purchase requisition amount. If a tax amount is present, the tax amount of the statement line must be equal to the purchase requisition tax amount.
  • Match Statement Line. If the line type category is Past Adjustments or Others, the line status is set to Matched. If the line type category is Purchase Requisition, the Match with Requisitions (tfacp2570m000) session starts. See Step 10.

If errors occur, you can view the error log file as described in Step 9. You must solve the errors and match the statement lines again, or match the statement lines manually as described in Step 10. Next, you must approve the matched procurement card statements as described in Step 13.

Step 9. Error Log (tfacp2536m000)

Use this session to view the errors that LN logs when you match procurement card statement lines to purchase requisitions. You must solve the errors and match the statements again.

Step 10. Match with Requisitions (tfacp2570m000)

Use this session to manually match the statement lines to the purchase requisitions.

If you want to adjust the matched quantity or amount, select the line and on the appropriate menu, click Match Manually. The Match Requisition Manually (tfacp2170s000) session starts. Adjust the matched quantity or amount and click Match to match the statement to the requisition.

If the quantity to be matched on the procurement card statement line exceeds the quantity on the purchase requisition, excess billing applies. You must handle the excess billing as described in Step 11.

If a price difference occurs that exceeds the defined limits, you must manually approve the price differences as described in Step 12.

Step 11. Write Off Excess Billing (tfacp2265m000)

Use this session to write off the excess billing quantity that occurs if the procurement card statement is billed for a larger quantity than the requisition.

Step 12. Approve Price Differences (tfacp2539m000)

Use this session to manually approve a price difference that exceeds the defined price difference tolerance limits.

You can approve differences that fall within the tolerances defined in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session or specifically for you in the Purchase Invoice Authorizations (tfacp0150m000) session.

Step 13. Approve the procurement card statements

Use the Match/Approve Procurement Card Statements (tfacp2220m000) session to approve procurement card statements that have the Matched status. LN changes the status to Approved. If errors occur, you can view the error log file as described in Step 9. You must solve the errors and approve the statements again.

Step 14. Invoice the procurement card statements

Use the same Match/Approve Procurement Card Statements (tfacp2220m000) session to invoice procurement card statements that have the Approved status. LN changes the status to Posted.

LN creates cost invoices for the procurement card statements. If payment authorization is required for cost invices, you must approve the payment in the Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1142m000) session. For details, refer to Payment authorization in Accounts Payable.

Step 15. Post Accrual / Reversal Journal Entries (tfacp2260m000)

At the period end, can use this session to post the accrual of the open purchase requisitions to which you do not apply Desktop Receiving to an expected purchase invoices accrual (GRNI) account.

When you close a period, for the purchase requisitions to which no Desktop Receiving applies, LN creates the following postings:

  • To accrue the journal entries:

    • Debit: Cost account for purchase requisitions, in the accrual period.
    • Credit: Invoices to be received.
  • If you invoice the procurement card statements later during the reversal period:

    • Debit: Invoices to be received.
    • Credit: The Accounts Payable control account.
Step 16. Print Discrepancy Report (tfacp1421m000)

Use this session to generate a report of the discrepancies that were found during the matching procedure.

Step 17. Archive / Delete Fully Paid Purchase Invoices (tfacp2250m000)

Remove the fully paid invoices and the related procurement card statements, the statement lines, and purchase requisitions.

Step 18. Update Cash Forecast (tfcmg3210m000)

In this session, you can select all the purchase requisitions that are not yet invoiced. The unposted quantity is added to the cash forecast.