Adjusting Asset Books

You adjust assets by book to make changes to those values on an asset that can vary from book to book. For example, each of an asset's related books can contain a different depreciation method, cost, and life. To adjust one of these values, you must choose the specific books that you want to adjust.


You can also make changes to values that apply to the entire asset by making an asset adjustment. For more information, see Asset adjustment topic.

When you make an adjustment by book, you enter operators and values for each field that you want to adjust. For example, if you want to increase the asset life by 10 periods, you would choose the plus sign ( + ) operator in the row for the Asset Life (Units) field, then enter 10 as the change value. After you enter the operators and values, you select the books to which LN should apply the changes. LN applies your changes and records the former values of the assets in each book for historical purposes. This allows you to perform an inquiry to view all the changes made to an asset and its related books throughout its life.