Transferring Mass Assets

A mass transfer differs from a single asset transfer in that you can transfer a larger number of assets at once. You can mass transfer assets at any point after capitalization. In a transfer, assets move from the source asset/category to a destination asset/category. LN transfers all of the indicated books for the selected assets and creates any additional books required by the destination asset. For more information, see the Transferring Asset Books topic.

You can transfer all or part of the selected assets. In a full transfer, LN transfers the total quantity of all selected assets to the destination asset. In a partial transfer, LN transfers a portion of each asset to the destination asset and leaves a portion in the source asset. All other options for mass transfer are identical to single asset transfer.

When you record a mass transfer, you must enter the percentage to transfer. You can only transfer by percentage, even if the asset is distributed by quantity. If you want to transfer by quantity, use the Asset Transfer (tffam1203m000) session.

You enter a date for the transfer to determine when it takes effect. If the transfer date is in a prior period, LN must reverse any depreciation that occurred for the source asset between the transfer date and the present.

You can enter distribution line information as a mapping scheme in order to instruct LN where a source distribution line must be transferred. For example, you can enter a record that indicates New York as the location, and the asset must be transferred to the location San Francisco. If LN could not find a mapping scheme for the asset distribution record, the source distribution information is used to create the destination asset- distribution record.