Approve/Process Matched Transactions (tfgld1251m100)

Use this session to approve or process matching transactions. You can also use this session to cancel unapproved (status Matched), approved or processed matching transactions.

  • Users who are authorized to approve matching transactions, can only approve transactions within the tolerances that are defined for their ledger accounts.
  • One or more users can be authorized to approve other users' matching transactions for their own ledger accounts and within their tolerances.
  • Any user can process matching transactions for their own set of ledger accounts.
  • A super user can match, approve, and process matching transactions for any ledger account and for any tolerance.


Selection Range
Ledger Account
A register used to record financial transactions and to accumulate the values of the transactions for reporting and analysis. The ledger accounts classify the transactions into categories such as revenues, expenses, assets, and liabilities.
Matching Code
A generated code used to group matched transactions.
The type of match.
Matched by
The account matching user whose transactions must be approved or processed.

For users who can approve only their own matches, this field shows their name.

Match Date
The date when the transaction was matched.
Approved by
The account matching user who approved the transactions.
Approval Date
The date when the transaction was approved.
Report Options
If this check box is selected, LN approves or processes the matching transactions without storing the resulting transactions.
Print Report
If this check box is selected, LN prints a report with the approved and processed transactions.
Print Error Report
If this check box is selected, LN prints an error report.
Approve Matched Transactions
If this check box is selected, matching transactions must be approved.
Process Approved Transactions
If this check box is selected, matching transactions must be processed.
Unapprove Approved Transactions
If this check box is selected, approved matching transactions must be unapproved.
Unmatch Matched Transactions
If this check box is selected, matching transactions that have not yet been approved, must be canceled.
Reset Processed Transactions
If this check box is selected, processed transactions are reset to the Matched status and the balance of the original match is changed. Any additional matching transactions created when those transactions were processed, will not be reversed.
Posting Data
Transaction Type
A user-defined three-position code used to identify documents. The series linked to the transaction type give documents the sequence number.
Transaction Series
A series of maximum four digits that is used to identify the transaction generated during the general ledger matching process.
Transaction Reference
A user-defined description of the transaction.
Transaction Entry Date
The date you enter when you create the batch. Usually the transaction entry date is the current date. Only for backdated and antedated transactions, the transaction entry date differs from the current date. Internally, the transaction entry date is registered in local time.
Fiscal/Reporting/Tax Year / Period
A separate period, or year for financial purposes.

Three financial period types exist:

  • Fiscal, in which all transactions are recorded (for example, 12 months).
  • Reporting, for management requirements (for example, 52 weeks).
  • Tax, for tax regulations (for example, 4 quarters).
Reporting Year / Period
A separate period, or year for financial purposes.

Three financial period types exist:

  • Fiscal, in which all transactions are recorded (for example, 12 months).
  • Reporting, for management requirements (for example, 52 weeks).
  • Tax, for tax regulations (for example, 4 quarters).
Tax Year / Period
A separate period, or year for financial purposes.

Three financial period types exist:

  • Fiscal, in which all transactions are recorded (for example, 12 months).
  • Reporting, for management requirements (for example, 52 weeks).
  • Tax, for tax regulations (for example, 4 quarters).
Batch Reference

Any informative description field used to refer to, for example:

  • The person or department with authorization to perform a specific task.
  • The business partner's contact.
  • The original invoice number.