Transactions (tfgld1101m000)

Use this session to define a transaction batch and the transaction types to enter financial transactions.

Depending on the transaction type you select, you continue with a different session to enter the transactions and the related details.

To enter transactions
  1. Click the New button on the main toolbar (or press Ctrl-Insert) to create a new batch, or select an existing batch.
  2. On the Transaction Types tab, do one of the following as applicable:

    • Click the New button (or press Ctrl-N) to create a new transaction type.
    • Select an existing transaction type.
  3. On the appropriate menu, click Transaction Entry or press Ctrl-Shift-Y.
  4. Enter the transactions in the session that starts.

By default, only non-finalized batches are shown. To display finalized batches also, do one of the following:

  • On the appropriate menu, click Show Only Non-Finalized.
  • On the toolbar, click [...].


Financial Batch
Transaction Entry Date
The date on which the transaction is entered.

The current date.

Fiscal Year
The fiscal year to which the financial transactions are linked.
Fiscal Year
The year's description.
The batch number.

Default value

LN displays the first free batch number for which you can enter transactions.

Batch Reference
Enter or change the description of this group of transactions.
Fiscal Period
The year during which the financial transaction is processed in the ledger.
Fiscal Period
The period during which the financial transaction is processed in the ledger.

Allowed values

An open period as defined in the Period Status (tfgld0107m000) session.

Reporting Period
The reporting year is the same as the fiscal year.

You can select the reporting periods option in the Group Company Parameters (tfgld0101s000) session.

Reporting Period
The reporting period during which a financial transaction is processed.

Allowed values

An open period as defined in the Period Status (tfgld0107m000) session.

Default value

The period derived from the entered transaction date.

Tax Period
The fiscal year during which the financial transaction is processed in the ledger.
Tax Period
The tax period during which the financial transaction is processed in the ledger.

Allowed values

An open period as defined in the Period Status (tfgld0107m000) session.

Default value

The period derived from the entered transaction date.

Batch Information
Batch Status
The status of this group of transactions.
Batch Modifiable
If this check box is selected, the batch was created manually and you can change it.

If this check box is cleared, the batch was created by LN and you cannot change it.

The user who created the batch.
Access Mode for Batch
The value set in the Default Access by Batch field on the General tab of the Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000) session.
Finalization Run Number
The run number used for finalization.
Finalization Status

The finalization status can be one of the following:

  • Free
  • Selected for Finalization
  • Finalized Successfully *
  • Errors

* Not displayed if, on the appropriate menu, Show Only Non-Finalized is checked.

Finalization Date
The date on which the batch is finalized in the Finalization Run Number (tfgld1609m000) session.