Export Ledger Account Hierarchy (tffst1230m000)

Use this session to export the ledger account hierarchy from the chart of accounts to the Financial Statements reporting tables. You can export a range of accounts and companies. The exported hierarchy can be used together with the financial values and financial statement account hierarchy to create reports along the ledger account hierarchy.

Based on the input values, the Export Ledger Account Hierarchy (tffst1230m000) session extracts the ledger accounts as defined in the Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000) session.


Ledger Account
Enter a range of ledger accounts for which you want to export the hierarchy. You can choose a lowest level account (0-level) only, but the entire hierarchy of the selected account range will be included in the export.
Financial Company
Enter a range of companies. You can export the hierarchy of a range of companies that belong to the same group company.
Delete only
If this check box is selected, you delete the ledger account hierarchy for your ledger accounts selection. If this check box is cleared, you update the ledger account hierarchy.